terça-feira, setembro 10, 2013

Um começo praticamente perfeito

E finalmente comecei a leitura de "The Three Rules - How Exceptional Companies Think" de Michael Raynor e Mumtaz Ahmed.
O primeiro capítulo, "More Than a Fortune Cookie" cumpriu as expectativas na íntegra, o reforço integral da mensagem deste blogue ao longo dos anos.
"How much of each of price and non-price value a company provides relative to its competitors defines its position in competitive space; how a company creates value for its customers.
Miracle Workers (Moi ici: Designação que os autores deram às empresas com desempenho excepcional) overwhelmingly had non-price positions... and Average Joes (Moi ici: Designação que os autores deram às empresas com desempenho mediano) typically competed on price.
More compelling still - and a big part of why we feel a non-price position is a material cause of exceptional performance - we found that when exceptional companies abandoned a non-price position, their performance subsequently suffered.
There are two dimensions of value along which any company can differentiate itself: price value and non-price value. Our research reveals that exceptional companies typically focus on non-price value, even if that means they have to charge higher prices. It did not have to turn out this way: price-based competition is a legitimate strategy. We have found, however, that competing with better rather than cheaper is systematically associated with superior, long-term performance. (Moi ici: Este parágrafo é, simplesmente, música celestial para este blogue... e recordo "guerras" que perdi, em várias empresas, pela minha incapacidade de defender a via do valor através do não-preço, sobretudo no início desta caminhada. O volume é um atractor poderoso, é uma sereia com um canto quase irresistível)
Better before cheaper is a useful rule because it applies not just to questions of diversification or focus, but to many critical decisions our Miracle Workers faced. The differences in behavior that best explained the differences in performance were consistent with a bias for increasing non-price value, even if it was sometimes at the expense of being price competitive.
Of course, no company can afford to ignore its relative price position. That is why the rule is "better before cheaper": being price competitive is far from irrelevant, but when it comes to position in a market, exceptional performance is caused most often by greater non-price value rather than by lower price.
It turns out that just as there is a pattern in how exceptional companies create value (better before cheaper), there is a pattern in how they capture value.
Our reserach reveals that exceptional companies are systematically  more likely to drive their ROA advantage through higher relative revenue than by lower relative cost or lower relative assets. Going down one more level, a revenue advantage can be driven by higher unit price or higher unit volume, and exceptional companies tend to rely more on price. (Moi ici: Recordar a série "Sobre a paranóia da eficiência e do eficientismo", "Aumentar o "producer surplus", o caminho menos percorrido (parte IV)" e "Não tente ser o melhor")
A company's competitive position defines how it creates value. A company's profitability formula defines how it captures value. Profitability increases when revenue increases, cost decreases, or assets go down. We find that exceptional companies achieve superior profitability with revenue increases, even if that means higher cost or a higher asset base.
When you find yourself having to allocate scarce resources—usually people, time or money—among competing priorities (which you surely will), think about which initiatives contribute most to enhancing the non-price elements of your position, or to earning relatively higher prices or greater volume, and give those the nod."
Um começo praticamente perfeito para a causa deste blogue.
E a sua empresa, como está a investir no não-preço? O que está a fazer para ser mais valiosa do que mais barata? O que está a fazer para aumentar o producer surplus?
Lá em cima os autores falam do indicador ROA (return on assets), aqui no blogue também uso um outro ROA, o return-of-attention, quando o mainstream só fala na eficiência e na redução de custos, é preciso muita perseverança, muito anti-short-termismo, muita personalidade para seguir o caminho menos percorrido e apostar no valor associado ao não-preço.

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