segunda-feira, maio 20, 2013

"Stressors are information" e os "stimulus junckies"

Começo com uma proposta que não me soa nada bem "Seguro quer Estado a entrar no capital de empresas "sem gastar um cêntimo"".
Num mundo cada vez mais complexo, volátil, caótico, em que em vez da dimensão e das regras escritas na pedra, triunfam a rapidez, a flexibilidade, a idiossincrasia, os defensores dos Senhores dos Perdões não percebem o papel dos "stressors":
"Just as spending a month in bed leads to muscle atrophy, complex systems are weakened or even killed when deprived of stressors.
The economic class doesn't realize an economy lives by stressors rather than by top-down control."
 Rita Gunther McGrath em "Competitive Advantage Is Dead. Here's What To Do About It" avança com a sua hipótese sobre o que se está a passar com o espaço competitivo:
"The longstanding premise of corporate strategy has been to help companies identify their “sustainable competitive advantage” in the marketplace, and then exploit it over time.
business is now evolving too rapidly for anything to be sustainable. The real secret to success may be knowing when it’s time to quit or adapt. (Moi ici: Com o capital do Estado a amortecer a dor e a eliminar os stressors... ia ser bonito)
If you accept the idea that advantages are temporary, a lot of corporate structures don’t make sense,” (Moi ici: Mongo, empresas mais pequenas, mais ágeis, mais flexíveis)
The next wave of strategy should instead encourage companies to “build up an advantage, exploit it – and then get out of it. (Moi ici: A entrada do Estado, numa tentativa de estancar a hemorragia e defender o passado... e voltamos a Setembro de 2007 - "... faltou sempre o dinheiro que o "Portugal profundo" preferiu gastar na "ajuda" a "empresas em situação económica difícil"...) But it’s tempting to stick with it longer than you should.”
Indeed, executive success is often measured by how many people you manage or how much budget you control – a powerful disincentive to call it quits when a market shift is underway. (Moi ici: "Claro que esta escolha é dolorosa e evitada. Muitos gerentes, talvez a maioria, confunde volume com grandeza, confunde volume com lucro, e isso não é bom." (aqui, aqui e aqui))
It’s no longer enough to cultivate deep expertise in your business, she says. Instead, “the capacity you want to create is networks and the ability to move quickly and learn to be dynamic.” (Moi ici: E a melhor forma de conseguir isso é meter capital do Estado na gestão das empresas? Come on!) She admits it won’t be easy; many executives are good “idea people,” and some are terrific at executing those ideas. “But very few of us are going to be good at saying, ‘it’s over,’” she says.
The mentality you need to cultivate is the ability to “get into and out of spaces” while understanding that every innovation or advantage is likely to be overtaken within a short time period – maybe a year or two."
 Enfim, “stimulus junkies”...

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