quarta-feira, junho 13, 2012

O papel do local num mundo global

"Paradoxically, the most enduring competitive advantages in a global economy seem to be local"
Escreveu Porter, em 1998, em "The Competitive Advantage of Nations".
Tem tudo a ver com proximidade, com flexibilidade, com rapidez, com experiência, com co-produção, com co-design, com customização, com rapidez... com, já sabem, MONGO!!!
Outra pedra no edifício, "The Rise Of The Micro-Entrepreneurship Economy":
"Data on self-employment and freelance is limited because labor reporting has yet to adapt, but one indisputable metric is the rise of micro-entrepreneurship platforms and its contribution to a Do-it-Yourself Economy.
What defines this new economy is that it’s built on the empowerment of individuals and the technology that enables this. It’s allowing individuals to create their own jobs. It’s a celebration of life and time, and a shift in perspective of money. Technology now provides an opportunity for people anywhere in the world to monetize their passions. And it’s not just the artists and under-employed flocking to these platforms, but professionals who seek a higher quality of life, greater flexibility, and more time with their families."
"Customers use micro-entrepreneurship platforms for many of the same reasons that the entrepreneurs themselves do:
  1. 1Price: Buying from individuals on these platforms often means getting a much better deal than buying from a large company or professional service.
  1. 2Flexibility: Customers crave greater personalization and customization in goods and services than ever before. They want to choose when they get it, how, and for how much. These platforms accommodate individual needs much more than old ways of buying.
  1. 3Ease of use: One of the top reasons people like these platforms is because they make it easy to search, find, and purchase exactly what you’re looking for in once place. And user-friendly design makes all of these platforms easier to use than many e-commerce sites.
  1. 4Authenticity: Buying directly from the individual artist, homeowner, painter, or food enthusiast often provides greater quality and the confidence that you’re getting the real deal.
  1. 5Unique experience: Transportation, accommodation, getting groceries, and visiting local sites are no longer commodities but memorable, enriching experiences that last forever.
  1. 6It’s good for the world: Responsible commerce is important to a growing number of consumers, and with these platforms they have the satisfaction of knowing that money goes back to small business owners and the local community, thereby fueling the economy and reducing waste."
E mesmo nesta reacção inteligente "Têxteis e calçado recusam abandonar a Europa" das nossas PMEs vejo a confiança em muitos destes factores (2flexibilidade, 4autenticidade, 5experiência, 6proximidade)
Claro que outra resposta competitiva num mundo globalizado é a de servir o caminho mais percorrido, o da vulgarização, o da normalização, o da padronização, o das grandes séries, o dos custos esmifrados, o de ver o valor como algo que se realiza no momento da transacção, o de simplificar a experiência de compra e de interacção... com qual é que tem futuro?

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