quarta-feira, fevereiro 08, 2012

Os alicerces da concorrência imperfeita

Quando falamos de mosaico de actividades sintonizado com uma proposta de valor, falamos disto:
"When a company focuses on delivering a different kind of value to a different set of customers - (Moi ici: Os clientes não são todos iguais, não têm todos os mesmos gostos e necessidades, procuram e valorizam diferentes experiências na sua vida) for Porter, the essence of strategic positioning - the list of value chain differences can be extensive.
Choices in the value proposition that limit what a company will do are essential to strategy because they create the opportunity to tailor activities in a way that best delivers that kind of value. Tailoring is possible only if there are limits, only if you are not trying to be all things to all people. In other words, limits make it possible to develop a value chain that is different from that of rivals who have chosen to offer a different kind of value.
This is a crucially important test that should be applied to any strategy. If the same value chain can deliver different value propositions equally well, then those value propositions have no strategic relevance. Only a value proposition that requires a tailored value chain to deliver it can serve as the basis for a robust strategy. This is the first line of defense against rivals.
Strategy, then, defines a way of competing, reflected in a set of activities that deliver a unique value in a particular set of users or for a particular set of customers, or both. In most industries, there can be many strategically relevant value propositions. This simply reflects the great diversity in customers and needs, and the fact that different activity configurations are often required to meet those needs most effectively.
robust strategies always involve a significant degree of tailoring. To establish a competitive advantage, a company must deliver its distinctive value through a distinctive value chain. (Moi ici: Diferentes cadeias de abastecimento, diferentes cadeias de valor, diferentes estruturas empresariais, diferentes produtos e serviços...)
Thus the value proposition and the value chain - the two core dimensions of strategic choice - are inextricably linked. The value proposition focuses externally on the customer. The value chain focuses internally on operations."
É isto que permite a diferenciação estratégica. É isto que permite minar o conceito de concorrência perfeita.
Quando há trade-offs, quando há opções que obrigam a seguir diferentes caminhos, as empresas podem diferenciar-se ... têm de diferenciar-se para ter sucesso, têm de ter estruturas diferentes, têm de realizar actividades diferentes, têm de apresentar produtos e serviços diferentes, tudo porque os clientes não são todos iguais... estes são os alicerces da concorrência imperfeita.
Trechos retirados de "Understanding Michael Porter" de Joan Magretta.

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