quinta-feira, abril 21, 2011

A batalha das ofertas

"While it may be firms that compete and managers that plan campaigns, the actual battles take place between offerings. They are the central element in the geometry of competition just as they are the central element in competition between firms. The customer’s choice is at the center of the competitive world.
But capabilities are the engine that drives offerings. The set of offerings you might put into the marketplace are both enabled and constrained by the past structural and infrastructural choices the firm has made. It is a very rare instance where strategy is literally conjured up from a blank sheet of paper. As a result, we must recognize that companies at a point in time have a relatively stable set of capabilities with which to create their offerings. These capabilities define the set of offerings that a company can offer.
Positioning is the fundamental strategic concept. When we speak of position, we must be explicit about what kind of position we are talking about. There are two kinds of strategically important positioning. There is the position of one offering vs. another. Understanding this type of positioning is critical to understanding what offerings will succeed in the marketplace. There is also the positioning of one firm’s capabilities vs. another’s. We don’t compete on capabilities, but they play a most important role in creating the offerings by which firms do compete.
This gives us the fundamental relationships that drive competitive dynamics.

Offerings are the embodiment of strategy. They are the weapons with which competitive battles are fought. But the range of offerings a firm may choose is determined by its capabilities. These capabilities in turn are a reflection of the activities of the firm. To answer strategic questions these relationships may be explored in reverse: if I want to have that offering, what capabilities do I need? To gain those capabilities what assets and activities must change?"
Voltando aqui ... está cá tudo.
Slide 4 - the offering
Slide 5 - the activities
Slide 8 - the assets
O que me fascina, e sabe Deus o quanto suo a tentar passar esta mensagem nas empresas, nas formações e nos workshops, é aquele trecho final do recorte: "if I want to have that offering, what capabilities do I need? To gain those capabilities what assets and activities must change?". Começamos pelo fim, qual a oferta que vai seduzir e satisfazer os clientes-alvo. Depois, daí e recuar até chegar aos recursos e infraestruturas que suportarão as actividades que  engendrarão a capacidade de produzir a oferta naturalmente.
Trecho retirado de "The Geometry of Competition" de Bruce Chew

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