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sábado, agosto 13, 2011

The future of pricing and revenue models

Excelente artigo de Irene Ng "The future of pricing and revenue models", publicado por Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management (2010) 9, 276–281.
Primeiro o acentuar da importância do valor que emerge da experienciação do valor durante o uso:
"Value co-creation is the idea that firms do not really provide value, but merely value propositions, and it is the customer that determines value and co-creates it with the firm at a given time and context best for the customer to achieve the outcomes they want. As Ballantyne and Varey (2006) puts it, a ‘customer’s value-in-use begins with the enactment of value propositions’ (p. 337). Hence, a firm’s product offerings, be they goods or activities, are merely value unrealized, that is, a ‘store of potential value’ (p. 344), until the customer realizes it through co-creation and gains the benefit."
Depois, por outras palavras, o sublinhar da importância dos clientes para a definição do preço... Por exemplo, no caso do B2B, como querer ter bons preços e boas margens se a grande distribuição não está para aí virada?
"Value co-creation therefore implies customer resources to realize the value to become central towards achieving end benefits (outcomes, see below). This further implies that the price charged by the firm to the customer has to trade-off against the customer’s abilities to realize the value."
Depois, uma referência ao pensamento sistémico para concluir:
"the world in which we are currently operating is becoming more complex, where components cannot
be analyzed on their own but within their ‘whole’, as the interactions between components are key to achieving system level outcomes.
The future therefore resides in a service system of resources proposed, consumed and value co-created by a web of stakeholders, including customers themselves, all of whom have something to gain and something to give to the system."
Nestes tempos de crise, soa excepcionalmente oportuno esta secção incluída no artigo:
Conseguem imaginar a explosão de modelos de negócio baseados no aluguer, na partilha em vez da posse? Por exemplo, o quanto eu gostava de poder alugar material caro para tratar do meu jardim. É caro porque é um desperdício dar 150 euros por algo que só usaremos uma ou duas vezes por ano e que teremos dificuldade em guardar em condições que minimizem a deterioração. E se num condomínio se partilham espaços, por que não electrodomésticos?
"Consequently, future pricing models would surround the payment for the right to access such resources which include firm and customer resources"
Depois, a referência aos clientes-alvo. Embora eu use o termo perfil, até brinco com a analogia com os profilers do FBI, vou passar a usar o termo "contextualização". Embora às vezes use o termo segmentação, tenho medo da visão fechada que pode induzir. O que interessa é o comportamento não a aplicação cega de um conjunto de crivos para identificar clientes-alvo.
The convergence of technological platforms described previously has resulted in a greater focus on context rather than merely profiling customers. Segmentation of customers for price discrimination is still widely practiced but such segmentation tends to discriminate on customer types, rather than use-types. Technology convergence allows customers to play multiple roles and take on diverse tasks leading to inaccurate profiling.
Future pricing models will be more concerned with not just who the customers are but how they derive their value in-use, that is, when, where and how customers are consuming the goods and activities.
The move towards context would also be hastened by a liberated workforce that is able to work at different times and places according to where it is most suited. (Moi ici: Um cheirinho de Mongo)
Por fim a conclusão que aponta para o advento de Mongo:
"Pricing and revenue models are powerful mechanisms as they can stimulate change just as much as they can also impede innovation. Behaviors, attitudes and lives change according to the way the world pays for goods and activities. With imagination and creativity, the possibilities to develop innovative pricing mechanisms would be limitless. Yet we must shed the baggage of the industrial era of pricing as a commodity (goods or activity) exchange mechanism. (Moi ici: Um grande desafio... uma grande oportunidade) The future of pricing and revenue management lies in the management of revenue derived from paying for resource rights, in the contexts appropriate to customers, as they become a stakeholder among other stakeholders co-creating value in a complex service system."

sexta-feira, julho 27, 2007

Industrial Service Profiling

Um artigo que sistematiza informação, que "perfila" os serviços a propor por uma unidade de negócio.

Engraçada a coincidência na linguagem (não há coincidências, todos os acasos são significativos), o título do artigo é "Industrial service profiling: linking service operations to manufacturing strategy" assinado por Pontus Johansson e Jan Olhager (aqui) e este postal.

Acho este tipo de sistematização fundamental para conseguir ver "the whole picture"