quinta-feira, novembro 25, 2010

Só quando está mais escuro é que se vêem as estrelas

Grande título "When It’s Darkest Men See the Stars".
Primeiro, as palavras de Steve Blank:
"I believe that we will look back at this decade as the beginning of an economic revolution as important as the scientific revolution in 16th century and the industrial revolution in 18th century. We’re standing at the beginning of the entrepreneurial revolution. This doesn’t mean just more technology stuff, though we’ll get that. This is a revolution that will permanently reshape business as we know it and more importantly, change the quality of life across the entire planet for all who come after us." (Moi ici: Ao longo dos anos, neste blogue, falamos da explosão da variedade de SKUs, logo, da explosão de gostos e tribos, logo, do fim da uniformidade da globalização, logo, da mongolização do nosso planeta, logo, da importância da proximidade e da rapidez, e da flexibilidade, logo, da vantagem das pequenas empresas, do fim da uniformidade e centralização, do fim da ditadura da massa.)
"What’s happening is something more profound than a change in technology. What’s happening is that all the things that have been limits to startups and innovation are being removed. At once. Starting now. (Moi ici: Vale a pena ver as imagens)
Compressing the Product Development Cycle
Startups Built For Thousands Rather than Millions of Dollars
The New Structure of the Venture Capital industry
Entrepreneurship as It’s Own Management Science
Over the last ten years, entrepreneurs began to understand that startups were not simply smaller versions of large companies. While companies execute business models, startups search for a business model. (Or more accurately, startups are a temporary organization designed to search for a scalable and repeatable business model.)
Instead of adopting the management techniques of large companies, which too often stifle innovation in a young start up, entrepreneurs began to develop their own management tools. Using the business model / customer development / agile development solution stack, entrepreneurs first map their assumptions (their business model) and then test these hypotheses with customers outside in the field (customer development) and use an iterative and incremental development methodology (agile development) to build the product. When founders discover their assumptions are wrong, as they inevitably will, the result isn’t a crisis, it’s a learning event called a pivot — and an opportunity to change the business model.
The result, startups now have tools that speed up the search for customers, reduce time to market and slash the cost of development.
Consumer Internet Driving Innovation
When It’s Darkest Men See the Stars
The economic downturn in the United States has had an unexpected consequence for startups – it has created more of them. (Moi ici: Por isso é que apesar de tudo sou um optimista, sei que basta rebentar com as comportas que impedem a parte criativa de que falava Schumpeter agirem com mais liberdade e com mais crença na recompensa pelo risco, viajo pelo Norte e pelas suas empresas e só posso ser optimista e aspirar a um cuco menos pesado, menos saqueador. Por isso, escrevi hoje no twitter à hora do almoço "Estou optimista, pla 1ª vez em muitos anos sei que o buraco está quase a deixar de ser cavado" a propósito do editorial de hoje do JdN) Young and old, innovators who are unemployed or underemployed now face less risk in starting a company. They have a lot less to lose and a lot more to gain.
If we are at the cusp of a revolution as important as the scientific and industrial revolutions what does it mean? Revolutions are not obvious when they happen.
Yet it’s possible that we’ll look back to this decade as the beginning of our own revolution. We may remember this as the time when scientific discoveries and technological breakthroughs were integrated into the fabric of society faster than they had ever been before. When the speed of how businesses operated changed forever." (Moi ici: Creio que vamos ter esta revolução, só nos falta um Reagan e uma Tatcher que reforme o peso do cuco e liberte a sociedade. Não há dúvidas, só podemos ir por aí, é inevitável essa sociedade de empreendedores.)

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