Ontem, neste postal, "Percebem porque vão faltar cada vez mais trabalhadores?", referi a interpretação de Jordan Petersson acerca de Mateus 6, 24-34.
Deste trecho do youtube recolhi esta transição:
"If you orient yourself properly and then pay attention to what you do every day that works, and I actually think that that's in accordance with what we have come to understand about human perception because what happens is that the world shifts itself around your aim because you're a creature that has a name, you have to have a name in order to do something you're an aiming creature you look at a point and you move towards it it's built right into you and so you have a name
Well, let's say your aim is the highest possible aim. Well, then so that sets up the world around you it organizes all your perceptions it organizes what you see, and you don't see, it organizes your emotions and your motivations. So, you organize yourself around that aim, and then, what happens is the day manifests itself as a set of challenges and problems, and if you solve them properly, then, you stay on the pathway towards that aim and you can concentrate on the day and so that way you get to have your cake and eat it too because you can, you can point into the distance the far distance and you can live in the day and it seems to me that that's that makes every moment of the day supercharged with meaning that that's how because if everything that you're doing every day is related to the highest possible aim that you can conceptualize well that's the very definition of the meaning that would sustain you in your life well"
"nature evolves away from constraints, not toward goals"
Se não há uma "highest possible aim" a orientar a actuação, o quotidiano assume o comando e não vamos para onde queremos, mas para onde nos leva o somatório das forças que nos aparecem no caminho.
Quando não se tem estratégia ... não se assumem, não se encaram certas dificuldades como parte do processo de desenvolvimento, foge-se delas aproveitando a primeira coisa que aparece.
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