domingo, outubro 13, 2024

Unreasonable hospitality - parte VII

"I made teaching part of our culture.
The spirit of collaboration that came out of the ownership program was inspiring to all of us, but asking someone to take over an entire department was an enormous commitment. So when John Ragan began a weekly meeting called Happy Hour, dedicated to the wine, beer, and cocktails on our menu, we encouraged the team to step in and give presentations of their own.
A onetime presentation was much less of an obligation than taking over an ownership program—and it was fun, because the people who worked for us loved food and wine.
Those Happy Hours had an important side benefit. Normally, classes in a restaurant are led by the managers, not the staff, but as more and more members of the hourly team led classes, they acted more like leaders.
I wanted to push this one step further.
I've already said I believe the most important moment of leadership each day in a restaurant is the pre-meal meeting, when the manager steps out to teach and inspire and get the team aligned before service. Once a week on Saturdays, we took the responsibility of leading that meeting away from the managers and gave it to a member of the team.
Leading Saturday pre-meal gave our hourly employees the chance to step into a role ordinarily filled by managers. They were contributing not only to the education of the team, but to their inspiration. And asking the team to run these meetings and present at Happy Hour had yet another unexpected benefit: everyone became more comfortable with public speaking.
We saw an enormous difference in the team in the months after they started leading Happy Hours and Saturday pre-meals. I loved the way they talked to guests: after all, taking an order, helping a guest make a decision about wine, or spieling a course are all forms of public speaking. They had more authority when giving instructions to their colleagues during service, too.
But the real shift was intangible; they began carrying themselves differently.
Giving the team more responsibility than they expected had an amazing impact - the more responsibility we trusted them with, the more responsible they became."
Liderar uma PME é muito mais do que gerir operações ou alcançar metas financeiras, aliás estas são uma consequência do que se faz a montante. É também sobre criar um ambiente onde os trabalhadores possam florescer, ultrapassar expectativas e assumir responsabilidades que, à partida, nem imaginariam. E eu a recordar algumas empresas que põem gente senior a fazer o trabalho de alguém que faltou porque formar outros para essa função seria prepará-los para "serem caçados pela concorrência."

Imaginem o impacte de transformar a rotina diária, dando aos trabalhadores a oportunidade de se destacar, de partilhar conhecimento, de liderar iniciativas. Não só se vê o crescimento das suas capacidades técnicas, mas também o seu desenvolvimento humano, a sua confiança e a sua autoridade natural no desempenho das funções.

Ao confiar nos trabalhadores mais responsabilidades do que eles próprios esperam, a recompensa é tremenda: eles tornam-se mais autónomos, mais confiantes, mais comprometidos. O espírito de colaboração e a sensação de pertença que daí advém transforma a dinâmica de uma empresa e eleva a bitola do serviço prestado aos clientes internos e externos.

Se eu pensar num mapa da estratégia, tudo isto é sobre o investimento feito nas pessoas que vão operar os processos da perspectiva interna.

Trechos retirados do livro "Unreasonable hospitality: the remarkable power of giving people more than they expect" de Will Guidara.

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