sábado, março 25, 2023

Por que se pedem paletes de mão de obra estrangeira barata?

Volta e meia oiço, ou leio, líderes associativos a pedirem paletes de mão de obra estrangeira barata para resolverem o seu problema.

Qual o impacte da política de imigração de Trump nos salários dos americanos mais pobres?

Qual o impacte de um mercado laboral apertado nos salários dos trabalhadores?

"Given that inadequate employment plays such a powerful role in theories of poverty, it is surprising how little research has been done on whether, or to what extent, tight labor markets reverse these trajectories. Only recently have scholars turned their attention to the impact of tight labor markets on inequality, offering insight into how very tight labor markets have the potential to substantially close the Black-white wage, income, and unemployment gaps. If persistent unemployment or low earnings are indeed the root of most poverty problems, then truly tight labor markets that last long enough to reach those at the bottom of the economic ladder should change the equation in two ways. First, low unemployment should catalyze competition among employers to attract workers, driving them to improve job quality—including raising wages for workers on the bottom rungs. Second, low unemployment should draw jobless workers off the sidelines, transforming applicants with little formal education or employment experience into viable job candidates.

These benefits should flow into the other domains tied to poverty. As hiring managers are forced to look further afield for workers, the stigma attached to having a criminal record, especially a nonviolent one, should be less of a barrier. In theory, when men can claim steady salaries, young women have more choices in the partnership “market.” Tight labor markets provide women with more options as well, including raising children on their own in more economically secure households. As unemployment declines, neighborhood peace should be easier to secure since economic security begets residential stability, which increases social capital and peaceful streets.


we explore the gains that can accrue for people living in poverty when labor is scarce and jobs are going begging.


Poor workers are instead marked—by race, criminal records, or past unemployment—in ways that are often stigmatized by employers. Our research shows that these qualitative distinctions mean that these workers are categorically excluded from work opportunities until the labor market becomes especially tight, around 4 percent unemployment, at which point opportunities open up."

Interessante, sempre pensei isto e sempre considerei os pedidos de paletes de mão de obra estrangeira barata uma forma de manter os salários baixos. Uma forma de reduzir o imperativo desubir na escala de valor, para que a produtividade acrescida permita pagar os salários crescentes.

Trechos retirados de "Moving the Needle" de Katherine S. Newman.

1 comentário:

Unknown disse...

E quais as desvantagens desse proteccionismo ? Esse proteccionismo é do bom, ao contrário dos subsídios aos agricultores da UE ?