domingo, agosto 21, 2022

Fast fashion e sustentabilidade ambiental

Comparar o conteúdo deste artigo, "Two years in the making, these jeans are the antidote to fast fashion", por exemplo:

"Fashion brands grow by selling you clothes that will go out of style. Asket sells you pieces that will last at least five years, so you don’t need to come back for more.


“Fashion design is about planned obsolescence,” says Bringéus. “You’re creating something with a due date. When it’s on the shelf, your designers are already working on what’s coming out in two years. And you’re telling your customers what you bought yesterday is no longer socially acceptable to wear next year.”"

Com estes postais Are you prepared to walk the talk? ou Curiosidade do dia chamei a atenção para a incongruência do fast fashion querer tocar a tecla da sustentabilidade. 

Como querem conciliar as duas coisas?

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