quarta-feira, janeiro 05, 2022

"The future doesn’t happen to us; it happens because of us"

Ao longo dos anos procuro aplicar esta técnica de começar pelo fim:

Por isso, "How to build a breakthrough" fixou a minha atenção:

"The future doesn’t happen to us; it happens because of us

The future is not like the weather. It doesn’t just happen. People make the future. It’s not a destiny or hope; it’s a decision.
Breakthrough builders are visitors from the future, telling us what’s coming.
They seem crazy in the present but they are right about the future.
Legendary builders, therefore, must stand in the future and pull the present from the current reality to the future of their design. [Moi ici: Por isso é que em 2008 já usava a corda ninja. Para, colocado no futuro, puxar pelo presente] People living in the present usually dislike breakthrough ideas when they first hear about them. They have no context for what will be radically different in the future. So an important additional job of the builder is to persuade early like-minded people to join a new movement.
That means that most of your friends, advisors, and even investors are useless at helping you identify a breakthrough.
Getting out of the present and standing in the future is the first key to finding a breakthrough."

Mas o artigo tem mais que se lhe diga. 


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