quarta-feira, outubro 18, 2017

"Small brands are stealing share from big brands" (parte IV)

Parte I, parte II e parte III.

David may have won a few battles, but Goliath is still Goliath. Large FMCG companies must go back to their roots and rediscover what made them great in the first place—understanding their customers’ needs, creating products that meet those needs, and building brand engagement. In the process, they will need to learn to manage complexity rather than eliminate it and to break down functional silos, which stand in the way of agility and speed. These are not new goals, but—given the new competitive dynamics—the urgency to achieve them has never been greater. Doing so requires coordinated action on four fronts."
Confesso que tenho dúvidas na capacidade de fazer este "comeback".
  • Porque acredito que os consumidores mudaram mesmo, uma premissa que a BCG não aceita;
  • Porque as multinacionais estão atoladas num pântano de guerras civis entre capelas;
  • Porque as multinacionais são lentas num mundo que precisa de agilidade.

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