domingo, setembro 10, 2017

"The key source of success is to conceive the VCS and make it work"

Há anos li um extraordinário artigo de Storbacka e Nenonen, "Scripting markets: From value propositions to market propositions", publicado por Industrial Marketing Management Volume 40, Issue 2, February 2011, Pages 255-266.

Alguns postais que escrevi por essa altura foram:

Agora em, "Strategy for a Networked World", de Rafael Ramirez e Ulf Mannervik, encontro tantas referências que me soam a uma outra forma de desenvolver o conceito de "scripting market":
"In today’s networked world, conceptualising value on the central basis of two-way exchanges as one did in the industrial era (with the idea of “value-added” products or services) has become very limiting, in fact too limiting, for capturing the full potential of value creation.[Moi ici: Aqui a fuga às relações diádicas e a importância do ecossistema]
render value creation more synchronous, less sequential, and more interactive than ever before.
Such innovations help to pack in more options for interaction and thus more interactions, and more actors and more possibilities for further action to co-create many more values per unit of time and space than ever before.[Moi ici: Outro tema caro a este blogue - a importância das interacções]
These novel interaction possibilities in turn change what people value and can trust,
These possibilities for interacting are now bundled in ever denser packages (“denser” meaning more functions per space and time unit, and thereby also per person or interactor). These possibilities help people and their organisations to co-create value in ways that were unimaginable a few decades ago. [Moi ici: Densificação, um tema que vi referido pela primeira vez num livro de Normann e Ramirez que li em 2008 e reli em 2013)]
Value co-created by two or (typically now) more actors, with and for each other, with and for yet other actors, is an invitation not only to rethink organisational structures and managerial arrangements for value creation, but also to rethink value creation itself.
thinking of value and values as contingent, always located in a setting — no longer as isolated in things or individual bodies or groups of bodies. Value and values here become dependent on those with whom one connects and in connecting, who co-create value. [Moi ici: Valor é co-criado e não criado por quem produz] They also matter in terms of those this co- creation affects positively as well as negatively.
[Moi ici: O trecho que se segue é fundamental] Patterns of interactivity arise or can be designed.[Moi ici: Quando se descobre que as interacções podem ser desenhadas, abre-se um mundo de possibilidades] These patterns connect those we term “actors” as co-creators, and their designed interactions support or may even constitute their roles and identities. In turn, these actors’ roles and identities interact with each other, and in doing so form interconnected patterns; so these roles and identities in turn thus maintain the interactions.
[Moi ici: Segue-se o TRUQUE!!!] We consider this configuring of interactions to be the result of a design activity. We use the term VCS for the pattern of interactions intentionally configured by the strategic planning carried out by an organisation.
The designed interactions become manifested as (“designed”) offerings: configuring offerings that set the overall design of and integrates a VCS, and supporting offerings between any two actors in such systems.
if the key to creating value is to design and co-create offerings that mobilise others (who may have the role in the interaction of customer or supplier or partner or employee or investor, etc.) to co-create value, then the key source of success is to conceive the VCS and make it work. We suggest that this designing of offerings is a key task for strategists and managers engaging in strategy work today."

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