terça-feira, setembro 26, 2017

Experimentar e iterar (parte II)

Parte I.

Com o fim do modelo do século XX e do seu ajuste à realidade:
"Strategy is considered "contingent" in the sense that its success depends upon obtaining fit between an organization and its environment. It is thus not surprising that notions of the "environment" have a long history in both strategy and scenario work. Successful strategy involves the discovery or generation of new and effective ways for the organization to relate to its environment."
É interessante perceber o quanto as organizações mais pequenas são mais rápidas a ajustarem-se a uma nova paisagem competitiva:

"If Toys R Us is a private-equity horror story (not one for the kids), then mom-and-pop neighborhood toy shops are more like a fairy tale.
On a recent weekday afternoon, the store bustled with children. Their parents in tow said they come to the store regularly because they like the carefully curated selection, helpful employees, Lego-building events and the gift wrapping, which can come in handy when you drop in on the way to a birthday party.
Throughout the country, experts say, independent toy stores are seeing a revival as parents — and their children — look for unique shopping experiences that stand out at a time when so many of their shopping habits have been reduced to impersonal clicks of a button. While adults may be inclined to compare prices or shop from their living rooms, children would rather take their allowances and birthday money to a store that allows them to play and explore."
Recordo logo aquela citação:
"When something is commoditized, an adjacent market becomes valuable" 

Trecho inicial retirado de "Strategy For a Networked World" de Ramírez & Mannervik .

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