terça-feira, maio 09, 2017

Acerca de Mongo (parte V)

Parte Iparte IIparte III e parte IV.
"Much of modern organization theory is built on the concept of the large industrial firm.
Our article demonstrates that AM will refute the idea that technological development necessarily increases economies of scale. AM will, in our analysis, reverse the trends toward organizational centralization and globalization of production and distribution; these will give way to decentralization and localization. These new trends will require different organizational structures and supply chains. The shift to smaller and flatter organizations populated by employees who have a broad range of skills and responsibilities will require a different set of managerial competencies than those demanded today in most management positions. The tasks of executives in decentralized and localized organizations will be less managerial and more entrepreneurial than those in most organizations today. The field of supply chain management will be drastically altered."
E no resumo, um trecho que poderia muito bem ser retirado deste blogue se escrito em português:
"The economic and organizational landscape of manufacturing will change drastically within one generation. Whereas the first and second industrial revolutions ushered and consolidated the large corporation, the third industrial revolution will democratize, decentralize, and localize activities in small companies. Production capacity will become generic, thus owned and possibly traded by many different actors not necessarily tied to a particular industry. The design of products will change to reflect the benefits of AM, allowing firms to reduce standard constraints imposed by the current design-for-manufacturability paradigm. Product designs will proliferate, the results of individual and collaborative design and extensive experimentation. This will enable developed and less-developed economies alike to transition from concentrated capitalism to distributed capitalism.[Moi: BTW, a diferença de mil milhões distribuídos radicularmente versus distribuídos pelas multinacionais da hotelaria. Atenção, as multinacionais da hotelaria são entidades honestas, dignas e com direito à existência. Apenas refiro que o dinheiro via AirBnB parece que circula mais tempo e por mais mãos até sair do que no circuito via multinacionais]
Localization will reverse and replace globalization. Transportation by sea, land, and air will be drastically reduced. International trade will be transformed, with goods trade significantly diminished. This will lead to massive shifts in the current accounts of countries, with possible corresponding macroeconomic dislocations.
These changes will radically alter supply chains. Because there will be fewer parts, fewer companies will participate in the chain of firms that bring a product to market. Similarly, since production will take place closer to the customer, and will likely be pulled by the customer rather than pushed into the market, fewer companies will be required to organize distribution and share market risk for any particular product. This will massively reduce the supply chain coordination challenges that have appeared after supply chains became more complex as a result of globalization. The firms that print products will likely be close to the customer, thus providing more direct access to market demand."
E não fica por aqui:
"Barriers to entry for new businesses will fall. Startups will require much less capital than today and will not need complex supply chains and distribution networks to bring physical products to market. It will take less time to setup new supply chains, and the lead time for startups to deliver new products may massively decrease."

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