quarta-feira, setembro 14, 2016

Apontar aos segmentos e necessidades underserved (parte II)

Parte I.
"An effective market strategy should align the strengths of a company’s product offerings with the customer’s unmet needs.
Decide what offerings to target at each outcome-based segment.
The first step in defining the market strategy is to determine which products to target at each of the outcome-based segments that have been discovered.
Communicate the strengths of those products to customers in the target segment...
Knowing that a product has features that are a competitive strength in a segment of the market is an important insight when it comes to aligning a product portfolio with customer needs.
Include an outcome-based value proposition in those communications...
Build an AdWords campaign around unmet needs [Moi ici: Ainda ontem numa PME discutimos esta realidade. Eu sei lá que empresas texturizam moldes, eu preciso de texturizar um molde, primeiro vem o "job". Depois, é que aparece o nome dos potenciais fornecedores]
Assign leads to ODI-based segments...
determine which outcome-based segment a specific prospect belongs to. With this insight, the prospect can be guided toward the solution that will best address their underserved outcomes.
Arm the sales team with effective sales tools
Lastly, the sales team can be taught how to identify what outcome-based segment a customer or prospect belongs to and guide the conversation accordingly. Approaching a customer with the right value proposition and a clear understanding of their situation and unmet needs goes a long way to building credibility."

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