segunda-feira, agosto 24, 2015

O poder da concentração nos clientes-alvo

"it is all about the customer experience. And they don’t even have to do it for everyone. At least not initially.
They are putting their customers at the center of their universe; they also understand that not every company can do that (including their competitors who are many times bigger and with big marketing budget) because it will be difficult or too expensive for them to make that work for everyone. [Moi ici: Recordar aquela frase "to big to care". Os grandes não se importam não é por serem maus mas por não poderem ser tudo para todos]
The secret is that you should start with ‘not everyone’ and identify those ‘someone who cares’. Those someones who appreciate the extra things that you do and will ultimate tell everyone about it and essentially those become the most tangible evidence of your brand promise.
Smart companies understand that success depends most fundamentally on a few core customers and if you can tailor your customer value propositions to them and then design the experiences just for them, you’re on the right track and can achieve a new level of performance and differentiation."
Trechos retirados de "Disruption Is Less About Technology. It's About Customer Experience. Disruptive CX Strategy Needs To Get Emotional"

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