domingo, novembro 02, 2014

Exemplo de liberalismo associativo e antifragilidade (parte II)

Não há uma resposta única, não há o CAMINHO, a ESTRATÉGIA, há uma panóplia de alternativas, todas válidas, função de passados, função de experiências, função de idiossincrasias, função de ...
"There's no right answer. Not everyone should run a national painting franchise business. The key insight is to feel the pain that an organizational choice leads to and fix that instead of merely chasing demand and embracing each opportunity (no matter how juicy) as it comes along.
The key things to focus on, I think, are:
Cash flow
Demand enhancement
Increasing the ability to keep your promises by investing in a pipeline of talent
And most of all, reminding yourself why you're doing this in the first place."
Recordar "Exemplo de liberalismo associativo e antifragilidade"
Trecho retirado de "Organizing for growth"

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