sexta-feira, julho 11, 2014

Sem uma estratégia clara, come on... BSC? (parte IV)

Parte Iparte II e parte III.
Antes de olhar para a perspectiva dos processos internos voltemos à perspectiva dos clientes.
Ontem, no Twitter, @rags escreveu:
"Don't look for your competitor. Look for your target customer's alternatives."
Quantas páginas na dissertação sobre os concorrentes? E quantas sobre os clientes?
Costumo escrever aqui no blogue sobre os fantasmas estatísticos, os clientes não são fantasmas estatísticos, são gente de carne e osso. Conseguem olhá-los olhos nos olhos?
Lembro-me de um comercial, licenciado em Farmácia, que contava como deu a volta aos concorrentes espanhóis que lhe comiam mercado na raia com preços mais baixos. Apostou na relação, até ajudava os veterinários quando precisavam de mais um par de mãos perante um parto mais difícil de um vitelo.
Entretanto, cheguei a este artigo muito bom "What You Need to Know About Segmentation":
"Segmenting, at its most basic, is the separation of a group of customers with different needs into subgroups of customers with similar needs and preferences. By doing this, a company can better tailor and target its products and services to meet each segment’s needs. This isn’t, as McKinsey’s John Forsyth says, simply for marketing or retail firms. “We see many, many companies saying, ‘I want to get more consumer-driven and customer-facing. But sometimes the organizations don’t know how to start. I’d say you really start with a basic understanding of your consumers or customers, right? And that’s segmentation.”
It sounds straightforward but often it isn’t."
Quem são os clientes-alvo?
"you have to ask yourself why you want to segment and what decisions you’ll make based on the information. “Many companies say, well, I think I just need a segmentation,” says Forsyth. “But before you even start the segmentation, you need to really understand why you’re doing it and what some of the actions are that you’re planning to take, based on what you think you might see. It helps you understand what’s actionable in terms of driving a company’s business.”
Once you’ve answered these questions, you have to decide whether you want to start segmenting by needs or behaviors. “If you’re doing something strategic and you’re trying to figure out if you have the right brands, the right value proposition, the right product line, then I would say you should start with needs or attitude segmentation,” explains Forsyth. This is basically trying to identify what needs your product or service is or could meet." 
Sem esta informação básica... não há estratégia.
Sem estratégia... não há BSC.

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