domingo, dezembro 15, 2013

Constância de propósito

"“The most important guideline for a president is to never embark on a new strategic direction as a result of one specific opportunity, no matter how unique and promising the opportunity may seem. Opportunities come and go. Allowing opportunities to impact strategy ensures that the outcome will be a zigzagging strategy. And rest assured that sooner or later the company will zigzag itself into a brick wall.” Henry leaned forward to gently pat Caroline’s hand. “This is the most important lesson I can teach you. You must learn to control your instincts. Don’t be distracted by golden opportunities; too often they turn out to be gilded traps.”"
Também uma razão para o uso que faço das palas como metáfora para a adopção de uma estratégia.

Trechos retirados de "Isn’t It Obvious?" de Eliyahu M. Goldratt

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