sexta-feira, setembro 13, 2013

Acerca do posicionamento

Um imagem interessante retirada de "The Three Rules":
"Competitive position is the height of the climb. Execution is what allows you to turn potential energy into kinetic energy by riding down the other side. Both the height of the climb and the efficiency of the ride down are indispensable to the overall experience. A big climb with no descent is essentially worthless, and a train that stutters down the other side is arguably not much better. The smoothest car in the world cannot make up for a puny drop. Similarly, you cannot compensate for a poor position with great execution while poor execution can compromise even the most promising position. In short, position determines how fast you can go; execution determines how fast you actually go.
Industry is the frame of reference for the potential and kinetic energy. As an industry's structure changes - new technologies, new regulations, new entrants, and so on - exceptional companies understand that all performance (or motion, in the roller-coaster metaphor) is relative, and so they adapt in ways that preserve their ability to store potential and release kinetic energy.
Average companies, and exceptional companies that lose their way, seem to forget that the key is relative position within an industry and instead begin matching their behavior to industry-level forces. If an industry is consolidating, they go on an acquisitions binge; if an industry is suffering a downturn, they begin cutting cost and price; if an industry is expanding, they invest and grow. That all seems reasonable, but it amounts to moving in the same direction and with the same velocity as the frame of reference itself - in other words, it amounts to standing still. Exceptional performance is built on being different, and making choices dominated by industry-level considerations makes you average."
O que tem feito a sua empresa para se diferenciar?
O que tem feito a sua empresa para melhorar o seu posicionamento?
Tem estado demasiado concentrado nos cortes, na execução e descurado o posicionamento?
Com cada vez mais picos na paisagem competitiva enrugada:

 Não escolher um posicionamento é... asneira forte.

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