sexta-feira, abril 12, 2013

Nassim Taleb rules!!!

Em tempos, admirava-me, e questionava-me:
- Como é possível estes professores universitários não serem capazes de ver, de falar sobre o sucesso de tantas e tantas PMEs que não se basearam numa proposta de valor em torno do preço mais baixo? Por que continuam sempre a falar de eficiência e custo como a única via para o sucesso no mercado?
Com o tempo, comecei a catalogá-los como os elementos da tríade, quase todos os comentadores económicos da nossa praça enquadram-se nesse grupo. Por isso, é com um gozo pessoal enorme que encontro este trecho:
"Taleb is eloquent in his contempt for theoreticians and his admiration for practitioners. He believes that a lot of society’s troubles come from the fact that we over-estimate the role of research and analysis and downplay the role of practice and experimentation in driving advances in knowledge and material well-being.
In fact, we reverse the real world flow of knowledge building. Most major historians suggest that theory and research lead to new insights that in turn shape our practices. In fact, he makes the case that most of our significant breakthoughs in knowledge came from experimentation and tinkering by practitioners that then got interpreted and codified by theoreticians. “ . . . we don’t put theories into practice. We create theories out of practice.” This is in part the result of “history written by losers,” the title of one of the chapters in Antifragile.  Taleb asserts that practitioners are too busy doing, so they don’t have the time to write to write their own story. (Moi ici: Daí a importância transcendental que dou ao exemplo dos pares - 2007, 2008)
If we want to prosper and cultivate the ability to grow through stress, we need to honor the practitioners and suspect the theoreticians. Practitioners are comfortable with messiness while theoreticians will go to great lengths to try to achieve smoothness and predictability, even if that ultimately results in more stress to the system."?

Trechos retirados de "Getting Stronger through Stress: Making Black Swans Work for You"

1 comentário:

Carlos Albuquerque disse...

Nassim Taleb é um pensador muito importante, cuja importância irá provavelmente aumentar à medida que as suas ideias e o seu trabalho forem sendo absorvidos.

Curiosamente os economistas que Taleb mais critica são provavelmente também aqueles que suportam a ideologia que nos governa. E, como observava um economista, "The ideas of economists and political philosophers, both when they are right and when they are wrong, are more powerful than is commonly understood. Indeed the world is ruled by little else. Practical men, who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual influence, are usually the slaves of some defunct economist."