terça-feira, novembro 15, 2011

Gente que é solução e não problema

Um pouco na linha do que transmite Covey, uma espécie de moral à la  Søren Kierkegaard(?), uma espécie de locus de controlo no interior.
É de mais gente a pensar assim que precisamos neste momento, gente que não se comporta como um fardo, gente que é solução e não um problema:
"1. Don't just focus on the downside; understand the opportunity.
Keep in mind that it's not easy to look at both sides of a situation. In fact, as discovered by pioneering behavioral economists Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman, we are wired to value losses higher than equivalent gains. The classic, two-column "Pros and Cons" list can be helpful here. Bad things will be easier to think of than good ones – try to come up with an equal number of items in each column. How do they stack up?
2. Understand that you will shape the outcome.
When you make a decision, you don't just sit back and see how things unfold; you will actively engage to help ensure success. 
3. Know who you can rely on.
With regards to your decision, who is on your team? Who will help you if things go wrong? Your family, close friends, business partners are all candidates.
4. Stick with it.
you will need to make your decision into a long-term success, no matter what happens"

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