sábado, julho 09, 2011

Mais uma dose de optimismo austríaco

Para quem teima em pertencer à minoria que acredita que os grandes não ficarão mais grandes para sempre, que os poderosos não ficarão mais poderosos para sempre, que há sempre oportunidade para quem arrisca e consegue ser inovador e servir melhor do que os incumbentes.
Para quem acredita que “there are no “sunset” industries condemned to disappear in high wage economies, although there are certainly sunset and condemned strategies, among them building a business on the advantages to be gained by cheap labor”, faz bem ler este artigo "Focus and Scale on the Internet" de Tim Laseter.
"Operating strategies were all about “scalability.” Although that model worked fine for a few companies, like Amazon and eBay, it proved a dead end for most. Today a simplistic approach built around mass markets and scalability is a near-certain recipe for failure.
No longer expecting every new idea to transform the old economy, entrepreneurs (and even venture capitalists) are beginning to realise that scale is the result — not the cause — of business success.
A careful look at some past successes and failures as well as a few emerging Internet stars reveals that a clear focus on distinct capabilities has led to success. And, perhaps surprisingly, the old model of mass-market scalability is being turned on its head by a new local focus. Instead of using the virtual nature of the Internet to reach a geographically unconstrained mass market, new companies are building distinct capabilities at a local level to attract loyal customers. Those capabilities — not scale — provide the barriers to entry that allow these companies to outperform their competitors. Much as in the old economy, leading Internet businesses are gaining scale by replicating their success rather than pursuing scale as the key to success.
Amazon has gained scale through its success rather than seeking scale as the key to success.
Many of the recent success stories of the Internet demonstrate the value of focus over scale.
“We price competitively, but we do not compete on cost. That’s not the way to attract loyal customers.”
The latest trend on the Internet takes to the extreme a focus on capabilities rather than scale. Instead of seeking to serve the mass market from a virtual node on the Internet, independent of geography, companies are starting to leverage the Internet at a local level, turning the scale-based model on its head — and perhaps putting the final nail in the coffin of the original Internet model.
For most aspiring Internet entrepreneurs in today’s online environment, the most likely paths to success will start with focus, build on success, and then — and only then — lead to scale."

1 comentário:

CCz disse...
