domingo, abril 03, 2011

Alinhar operações e estratégia, o mosaico - again

Um excelente artigo da Booz and Company "The Capable Supply Chain Linked with Strategy for Superior Performance".
Um artigo que chama a atenção para o alinhamento, para o mosaico que ajuda a fazer a diferença:
"When an organization’s supply chain capabilities are directly aligned with its way to play (Moi ici: "They know well the type of company they are, they focus on their most profitable products and services, and they consistently target the preferences of their prime customers and markets.") , the company enjoys a coherence premium—that is, superior performance and an extremely strong market position. Unfortunately, this coherence is all too rare. More often, companies’ strategic thrusts are divorced from their operational capabilities; as a result, supply chain organizations (and their executives) must contend with conflicting demands that either can’t be reconciled or substantially drive up costs."
"This premium (also called “essential advantage”) is the logical outcome of having the appropriate supply chain capabilities—interconnected processes, tools, people, knowhow, and organization—to drive asset-, technology-, and scale-based performance improvements that go beyond what others in the industry are able to achieve.
Companies often fail to marry strategic goals with supply chain  architecture, leaving supply chain chiefs to struggle with a myriad of often conflicting demands from manufacturing, marketing, sales,  engineering, and procurement.
With little agreement within the organization—and no way to make or manage trade-offs—issues of cost, customization speed, and price, among many others, are never addressed. But when a company is strategically coherent, the supply chain can be a linchpin of outsized performance."
Depois, o artigo apresenta o conceito de puretone.
Por fim, algo de ainda mais interessante na secção "Linking Capabilities to Archetypes" os autores introduzem um conceito a que chamam "lever" (alavanca) e que não é outra coisa senão aquilo a que chamamos processo, neste blogue. O que os autores tentam transmitir é o conceito de abordagem por processo.
É comparar este esquema do artigo:
Com este nosso gráfico:
"These levers can be segmented into four types based on their role in the supply chain life cycle: the right to win, which helps the company prepare for success; design-driven efficiency, which involves developing advantageous supply chain management systems and tools; structure and processes, which covers the critical decisions about supply chain infrastructure;
Neste postal reuni as hiperligações para um conjunto de reflexões sobre a possibilidade de recorrer aos processos contexto, processos que não são críticos para a execução da estratégia, para retirar recursos deles e usá-los nos processos críticos para a execução da estratégia.
Nesta figura do artigo podemos exemplificar, a figura base é:

As setas vermelhas identificam processos-contexto onde se estão a desperdiçar recursos que podem ser aplicados nas setas verdes, que identificam processos-críticos que estão a precisar de recursos:

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