Ao arrumar o meu estaminé veio-me parar às mãos o dossiê com as comunicações apresentadas no 53rd Annual Quality Congress da American Society for Quality em 1999, o primeiro a que assisti, na simpática cidade de Anaheim na Califórnia. Ao folheá-lo encontrei um artigo com um título que me atraiu “Linking People and Processes” de James Krefft.
Já lá vão dez anos e só posso concluir que Krefft estava muito à frente de muita gente no que diz respeito à definição das competências e a sua ligação com os processos.
Alguns trechos que sublinho são:
“Exceptional performance results from the alignment and linkage of purpose, processes, and people. Although both process management and performance management have separately attracted great attention, little notice has been paid to the concrete links that connect people and processes. These process + people links begin inside process maps and thread their way into four basic HR tools: competency models, position profiles, performance plans, and development plans.”
Krefft propõe este esquema para relacionar processos + menu de competências + perfil de função (posição):
“Once an organization has mapped its core processes in detail, the design of a process-driven human performance system begins with the creation of a set of competencies. A competency model is a catalyst for dynamically linking people and processes and leveraging both for improved business results. Competencies are characteristics necessary for outstanding performance. A competency model establishes the framework for creating the right jobs and filling those jobs with the right people. A competency model also ensures the linkage of individual performance objectives and business goals. It pulls the people of an organization to their highest potential by establishing behavioral standards based on the activities required to execute core processes”
“The next step in designing a process-driven human performance system is to translate business objectives, process outputs, and competencies into a practical tool that can be used to facilitate definition of jobs and selection of the best candidates for those jobs. This step is accomplished through the writing of position profiles. A position profile is a summary description of what is required for outstanding performance in a job, the DNA of success.”
“Position profiles, on the other hand, incorporate strategic, process, and competency requirements to enable a tighter link between job slots and operational requirements, better selection decisions, and more effective deployment of people. Position profiles, in short, are a tool for documenting the validated strengths (competencies) that are needed for success today and tomorrow.”
“Each position profile included principal accountabilities (the “what” of a job) and key competencies (the “how” of a job) described with behavioral details.”
Algo na linha do que hoje se utiliza ao pensar na construção de um Scorecard de Capital Humano:
- “Draws from core processes, the competency model, and personal career goals to formulate a list of competencies required to succeed now and in the future.
- Uses the position profile to determine which competencies and behaviors are critical to achieving current position accountabilities and to identify competency gaps.
- Uses the position profile of future jobs to determine which competencies will be critical to achieving future accountabilities, and to identify areas for improvement.
- Requires a discussion of the gap analysis to confirm that the competencies identified for development will provide the most leverage both in the present job and in the future.
The key to remember in implementing the development process is to focus on only those few competencies that are most critical to the current and future success of the enterprise. The idea is to create developmental synergy: by focusing on building critical competencies, other related competencies will be built as well. The paradox is that, by focusing on the few, right competencies—based on a valid analysis of current and future strategic direction, business process outcomes, job requirements, and individual strengths and weaknesses—you actually achieve more with less effort.”
Assim, sendo um visual como sou, cá vai a minha tradução: "Once an organization has mapped its core processes in detail"
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