terça-feira, julho 29, 2008

Target-customer characterization

"Markets are impersonal, abstract things: the personal computer market, the one-megabit RAM market, the office automation market, and so on. Neither the names nor the descriptions of markets evoke any memorable images - they do not elicit the cooperation of one's intuitive faculties. We need to work with something that gives more clues about how to proceed.
We need something that feels a lot more like real people. However, since we do not have real live customrs as yet, we are just going to have to make them up. Then, once we have their images in mind, we can let them guide us to developing a truly responsive approach to their needs.
Target-customer characterization is a formal process for making up these images, getting them out of individual heads and in front of a marketing decision-making group."
Trecho retirado de "Crossing the Chasm" de Geoffrey Moore.
Identificar e fazer o perfil dos clientes-alvo, não trabalhar com a "miudagem", olhar para eles olhos nos olhos.

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