terça-feira, junho 17, 2014

"Think Differently About Scale"

Outra nota retirada de "The Disappearing Middle Is a Real Market Threat — Here’s What Firms Can Do" que muito nos apraz é esta:
"Think Differently About Scale.
Historically, we have thought about the benefits of scale as being cost or supply based — with more scale comes the ability to offer the same set of benefits at lower cost. But this is no longer the case. Indeed, in category after category, technology and the globalization of production has made smaller offerings more economically viable. An offering that is tailored to appeal to a small segment of people — who are willing to pay a lot for it — is far more likely to be successful in today’s global, digitally-connected business environment. [Moi ici: I rest my case. O que é isto senão a base para Mongo, para o Estranhistão onde "we are all weird"]
As a result, aiming for the “middle of the market” is no longer necessary to drive business success. For large companies, the advantage of scale will no longer come from applying it just to the supply side of the business, but also the demand side. With scale comes the ability to generate superior consumer understanding, something most companies spend relatively little to understand."

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