quinta-feira, dezembro 23, 2010

A evolução da ideia de mosaico estratégico (parte V)

Continuado daqui: parte Iparte II, parte III e parte IV.
Uma lista de artigos sobre o tema das interdependências entre as actividades que as empresas escolhem realizar:

  • "Evolution toward Fit
  • "Interdependency, Competition, and the Distribution of Firm and Industry Profits" ("Interdependencies among resources and practices have increasingly played a central role in explanations of how organizations discover more efficient business practices; why differences in efficiency, once established, continue to persist across firms; and why differences in efficiency among firms develop into differences in average profits across industries. We present a model in this paper that brings those three traditions together to develop a more complete understanding of how differences in potential production interdependency within industries affects the distribution of profits that we expect to find within and among industries.")
  • "On the Origin of Strategy: Action and Cognition over Time"
  • "Speed and Search: Designing Organizations for Turbulence and Complexity" ("The problem of finding appropriate organizational designs for different environmental conditions remains a steep challenge for practicing managers. What makes the choice of appropriate organizational design difficult is, in part, the interdependencies among the various aspects of design. Interdependencies can create surprising and subtle effects that, without systematic analysis, can lead intuition astray")
  • "Choice Structures and Business Strategy" ("Discussions of cross-sectional linkages often presume that a coherent system of policy choices is arrived at by some process of a priori theorizing. Given the rich and complex web of interactions in such a system, the power of such a priori theories would seem to be limited. A more plausible characterization is that a firm makes a few choices about how it will compete and these choices, in turn, influence subsequent decisions. A central question regarding the emergence of a coherent, and possibly profitable, activity system is how fully specified these initial choices have to be. Is it possible to specify a few key choices and for other policies to emerge through some more incremental process? Or, does the rich set of interrelationships among policy choices require rather more complete specification a priori?
    The second set of analyses examines the downside rather than the upside of the effect of initial positioning in policy space. In a dynamic world in which ideal policy sets change with time, how constraining and damaging to performance are precommitments through their irreversibility? To what extent does the impact of these existing commitments vary with how “strategic” the policy choice is in a cross-sectional sense of hierarchy or centrality? In addition to addressing these specific questions, the simulation exercises suggest a useful, if rough, way of partitioning choices, into autonomous choices that are disconnected from others, influential choices that have significant effects on others because of hierarchy, centrality or irreversibility, and contingent choices that are more influenced than influential.
    Some choices condition other choices.")
Este é um exemplo dos artigos disponíveis na net sobre este tema, da próxima vez que for à Católica não me posso esquecer de procurar mais alguns artigos de Rivkin que, pelo título e resumo, me deixaram água na boca.
Resta-me acelerar para o último capítulo desta série relacionando estas interdependências com:
  • clientes-alvo;
  • objectivos estratégicos nas perspectivas interna e de recursos & infra-estruturas do mapa da estratégia; e
  • interdependências e mosaico estratégico.

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