No número de Junho, a revista Harvard Business Review publica "The Decision Driven Organization", um artigo de Michael Mankins, Marcia Blenko e Paul Rogers.
"Many CEOs assume that organizational structure—the boxes and lines on a company’s org chart—is a key determinant of financial performance.
nearly half of all CEOs launch a reorg during their first two years on the job. Some preside over repeated restructurings. The immediate motives vary. Some are about cutting costs; others are about promoting growth. Some are about shaking up a culture; others are about shifting strategic focus. Whatever the specifics, though, reorgs almost always involve making major structural changes in pursuit of better performance.
Despite the fanfare that usually greets them, however, most reorganizations fall flat. A recent Bain & Company study of 57 reorgs between 2000 and 2006 found that fewer than one-third produced any meaningful improvement in performance. Most had no effect, and some actually destroyed value.
We believe that this failure is rooted in a profound misunderstanding about the link between structure and performance. Contrary to popular belief, performance is not determined solely by the nature, scale, and disposition of resources, important though they may be. An army’s success depends at least as much on the quality of the decisions its officers and soldiers make and execute on the ground as it does on actual fighting power. A corporation’s structure, similarly, will produce better performance if and only if it improves the organization’s ability to make and execute key decisions better and faster than competitors. It may be that the strategic priority for your company is to become more innovative. In that case, the reorganization challenge is to structure the company so that its leaders can make decisions that produce more and better innovation over time.
The goals of the audit are to understand the set of decisions that are critical to the success of your company’s strategy and to determine the organizational level at which those decisions should be made and executed to create the most value. If you can align your organization’s structure with its decisions, then the structure will work better, and your company’s performance will improve."
E se pusermos de lado o organigrama e as funções?
E se nos concentrarmos nos processos que compõem o ser vivo, o sistema que é a organização?
Recorrendo ao 'canvas' de Osterwalder, ao desenhar o modelo do negócio:
- Quais são as actividades-chave?
- Quais são os recursos-chave?
- Quem são os parceiros-chave?
É nos processos críticos que são realizadas as actividades-chave e são tomadas as decisões que fazem a diferença.
"Ultimately, a company's value is no more (and no less) than the sum of the decisions it makes and executes. Its assets, capabilities, and structure are useless unless executives and managers throughout the organization make the essential decisions and get those decisions right more often than not."
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