sexta-feira, julho 23, 2010

Concentrar, alinhar, sintonizar

Concentrar, alinhar, sintonizar, focar, recursos, pessoas, tempo, atenção, imaginação, motivação, sonho e vontade numa aposta, numa oportunidade assente numa qualquer descontinuidade, numa desconformidade, em algo inesperado.
Quando não há concentração há deriva!
Quando não há concentração não há estratégia, há dispersão
"The pursuit of a single strategic intent over a long period of time ensures that the efforts of individuals, functional departments, and entire businesses converge on the same goal. In many
companies with which we are acquainted there is no such convergence of long-term goals
. We often ask managers to look back over the past six or seven annual strategic plans and test them for consistency in long-term direction. What these managers often find is that development trajectories, definitions of served market, investment programs, and even the definition of the firm's core competencies and core businesses get changed far more often than is justified by changing competitive circumstances. The goal of strategic intent is to ensure there is some "cumulativeness" to month-by-month and year-by-year decisions.
Almost as bad as having no clear aspirational goal is having multiple, competing goals. Where there are no shared, corporatewide priorities for growth and new business development, resource fragmentation and suboptimization is the likely outcome."
Demasiadas vezes exageramos na atenção que damos à concorrência. E essa atenção exagerada impede-nos de ser diferentes, impede-nos de sermos distintos. Estamos tão distraídos em copiar, em superar pontos negativos face ao concorrente que nos esquecemos de fazer a diferença.
Trecho de Hamel e Prahalad, retirado de "Competing for the Future"

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