sexta-feira, abril 24, 2009

Promover a mudança!!!

Não há acasos, após preparar o texto do postal anterior, descubro este artigo na revista The McKinsey Quarterly "Corporate transformation under pressure" de Josep Isern, Mary C. Meaney, e Sarah Wilson, onde se pode ler:
"It’s relatively rare for transformation programs to succeed; many surveys, including our own, put the success rate at less than 40 percent. Our recent research, however, underscores the fact that certain tactics promote successful outcomes. The most important tactics are setting clear and high aspirations and targets, exercising strong leadership from the top, creating an unambiguous structure for the transformation, and maintaining energy and involvement throughout the organization. Companies that used all of these tactics succeeded more than 80 percent of the time."
"Clear, stretch targets
Defining a transformation to create a sustainable step change in a company’s performance and health unites the disparate elements of organizational change."

(Moi ici: Os adultos não querem ser tratados como crianças. Adultos tratados como crianças reagem como crianças. Falinhas mansas, biombos e conversa da treta não resultam. Falar olhos nos olhos – reparem como o administrador da empresa X, entrevistado para a SIC-N hoje de manhã, ao explicar os despedimentos que ia fazer, nunca olhava a jornalista ou a câmara, olhava para o chão – Temos problemas… quem não os tem? Mas temos objectivos e temos um caminho para os atingir)
“A clear structure for transformation
The magnitude of the challenge can paralyze companies embarking on a transformation. Where to start? What and how to prioritize? How to allocate tasks across the organization? These problems are particularly severe at crisis-plagued organizations fighting fires on a number of fronts.
Leaders therefore need to outline clear themes whose objectives will collectively achieve the overall aspiration. These themes should be broken down into specific initiatives, and the company should make it clear how the initiatives will be sequenced and how they will relate to one another. This approach makes change seem not only manageable and realistic but also personal and exciting.
(Moi ici: Reparem como um BSC da 3ª geração pode ajudar a fazer a diferença: um mapa da estratégia que ajuda a concentrar e a encadear e sintonizar uma série de desafios num todo com lógica e harmonia; um conjunto de iniciativas que se relacionam umas com as outras e que contribuem para o mesmo objectivo global)
“Maintaining energy and involvement
A timetable of three to five years, typical for the overall aspiration of a transformation, can seem too distant for managers and employees preoccupied by short-term pressures. The next challenge is therefore to take the overall aspiration, as well as the themes and initiatives, and translate them into descriptions of what the company will look like at various points along the journey—the projected halfway mark, for example.
(Moi ici: Em linha com uma das nossas mensagens mais repetidas “Começar pelo fim!” Puxar em vez de empurrar, CAPD em vez de PDCA)
“Rearticulating goals in this way is desirable for two contrasting reasons. On the one hand, the midpoint is sufficiently close at hand to be described in highly tangible and specific ways. Such concreteness, which isn’t characteristic of longer-term visions, helps employees to see the way forward and to feel personally accountable for specific targets. On the other hand, the fact that this intermediate target is just a station along the way reinforces its status as something to be not just achieved but also surpassed. An overall goal of one million new customers in three years might, for example, be broken down into progressively more demanding annual targets.”
(Moi ici: E voltamos ao mapa da estratégia, como descrevo na nossa metodologia “Vamos contar uma história”)
“A good transformation story is another step to bridge the gap between top management and the rest of the organization. Typically using metaphors and analogies to explain what’s at stake, the story addresses three key aspects: the case for change, the challenges and opportunities ahead, and the impact of change on individuals. The story should be written by the leadership in prose, not bullet points.”
(Moi ici: E acabamos com Agostinho da Silva e com Kotter. Mudamos e promovemos a transformação nos outros e nas organizações quando apontamos à emoção, ao coração e não nos ficamos só pela razão)
“. Good stories also confront the emotional angle—the need to bid farewell to cherished habits and routines and to embrace a different, and perhaps initially uncomfortable, future.
As the transformation progresses, a combination of energy and ideas is crucial if an organization is to maintain its momentum. The power of the big idea is implicit in the aspiration.”
Como escrevi este postal enquanto os jovens fazem o exame: Boa Sorte!!!

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