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quinta-feira, maio 15, 2008
Comparar as implicações de diferentes propostas de valor (parte II)
Neste postal de ontem, acabámos com a referência à importância do franchising.
A imagem é preciosa:
"We can learn much about achieving excellence - not only for our customers, but for ourselves - by taking a lesson from franchises. The franchising concept has been wildly successful over the past 40 years.
The appeal of a franchise is rooted in two promises. First, there's a very clear promise to the customer that's reflected in the brand.
Second, there's a promise to the business owner (franchisee) of a well-considered and proven business model that delivers on the customer promise. The result is two-fold. It delivers something of excellence to the customer ...
It also delivers something of excellence to the business owner - a predictable return on investment, established business procedures, employee training, staffing plans, marketing strategies and interested customers.
The point isn't that all businesses should be franchised; the point is that all businesses would benefit from taking the same holistic approach to excellence that franchises take. Franchised businesses recognize that there are two products - the product or service which the customer buys, and the business which the investor buys."
Trecho retirado de "Six Disciplines for Excellence" de Gary Harpst.
Por vezes sinto que às empresas falta alguma capacidade de distanciamento e reflexão sobre si próprias e sobre o seu posicionamento, para começarem a pensar a nível de modelo para o negócio.
Sem um modelo, nunca teremos uma abordagem coerente, que possa ser transmitida e explicada.
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