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Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta paul tough. Mostrar todas as mensagens

sexta-feira, outubro 18, 2013

Acerca do estabelecimento de objectivos e planos

"Oettingen discovered in her research that people tend to use three strategies when they are setting goals and that two of those strategies don’t work very well. Optimists favor indulging, which means imagining the future they’d like to achieve (for a middle-school student, that might mean getting an A in math next year) and vividly envisioning all the good things that will go along with it—the praise, the self-satisfaction, the future success. Oettingen found that indulging feels really good when you’re doing it—it can trigger a nice dopamine surge—but it doesn’t correlate at all with actual achievement.
Pessimists tend to use a strategy Oettingen calls dwelling, which involves thinking about all the things that will get in the way of their accomplishing their goals. If our prototypical middle-school student hoping for an A in math was a dweller, he might think about how he never finishes his homework, and there’s never anywhere quiet for him to study anyway, and besides, he always gets distracted in class. Unsurprisingly, dwelling doesn’t correlate well with achievement either.
The third method is called mental contrasting, and it combines elements of the other two methods. It means concentrating on a positive outcome and simultaneously concentrating on the obstacles in the way. Doing both at the same time, Duckworth and Oettingen wrote in a recent paper, “creates a strong association between future and reality that signals the need to overcome the obstacles in order to attain the desired future.” The next step to a successful outcome, according to Oettingen, is creating a series of “implementation intentions”—specific plans in the form of if/then statements that link the obstacles with ways to overcome them, such as “If I get distracted by TV after school, then I will wait to watch TV until after I finish my homework.”"
Isto faz-me recordar o que aprendi com Dettmer acerca da Theory of Constraints (TOC) e que nunca mais deixei de utilizar:
Ainda ontem me perguntavam como aprendi a pensar a começar pelo fim... resposta, Hábito 2 de "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change" de Stephen Covey, "Begin with the End in Mind".

Trechos retirados de "How Children Succeed" de Paul Tough