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Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta marketing digital. Mostrar todas as mensagens

domingo, outubro 09, 2016

Qual a actividade digital da sua empresa?

Aprendi há uns anos, através de um livro que o Aranha me recomendou, que a internet torna a geografia irrelevante em muitos aspectos. 
Em "The Neighborhood Bookstore’s Unlikely Ally? The Internet" encontro um exemplo que muitas PME podiam estudar e procurar tirar lições. A pequena livraria a fazer o seu ressurgimento apesar da Amazon!
"he quickly realized his business wouldn’t survive in this remote locale if his only customers were local buyers.
A decade ago, independent bookstores were viewed as an industry on the decline. [Moi ici: Uma das lições mais importantes da minha vida profissional aprendi-a num livro: "Na página 255: “… there are no “sunset” industries condemned to disappear in high wage economies, although there are certainly sunset and condemned strategies, among them building a business on the advantages to be gained by cheap labor” - Na página 257: “If they prosper despite competition from foreign companies with very low-paid workers, it is because they bundle into the products they sell other desirable features, like speed, fashion, uniqueness, and image.”"] Crushed on price by Amazon and by the wide selection of national retailers like Barnes & Noble, thousands of mom-and-pop outlets had closed up shop.
But after years of losses, they are emerging from the decimation, with the number of independent bookstores rising 21 percent from 2010 to 2015.
In a twist of fate, it is the internet — the very thing that was supposed to wipe them out — that is helping these small stores.
Bookstores are being reinvented by taking advantage of how the world has changed,”
Some bookstores are investing in infrastructure, such as in-shop e-book printers and new back-end systems, while others are embracing social media as an inexpensive way to connect with new customers.
owners like Mr. Makin are finding ways to gain customer loyalty with the aid of technology. He knew he could not compete with Amazon on price, but he believed that online buyers would flock to Brilliant Books if they experienced the same customer service that shoppers in his physical store do.
“I say, ‘We are your long-distance local bookstore,’” Mr. Makin said.
He began offering free shipping anywhere in the United States and hired a full-time social media manager, who promotes the store and has used Twitter and Facebook to talk to readers who would never find themselves near Traverse City."
Como é que a sua empresa pode aproveitar a internet? Se for como a empresa típica, manda fazer um site e usa-o como um anúncio nas páginas amarelas. No tempo das páginas amarelas o potencial cliente pesquisava por ordem alfabética, hoje, a Google é que lista a ordem de aparecimento e essa ordem ou se paga ou exige actividade digital. Qual a actividade digital da sua empresa?

segunda-feira, abril 20, 2015

Para reflexão profunda

Em "Your Digital Strategy Shouldn’t Be About Attention" encontrei boas propostas de reflexão, sobretudo conjugadas com o que aqui temos escrito sobre o Big Data:
"attention without relation is like revenue without profit: malinvestment.
The real question — the one that counts for leaders and institutions today — isn’t “How loyal can we compel, seduce, or trick our customers into being?” It’s: “How loyal are we to our customers? Do we truly care about them?” Not just as targets consumers, or fans. But as people. Human beings. What every institution needs — and what every leader needs to develop — before a “digital strategy” is a human strategy. If you want to matter to people, you must do more than merely win their fickle, fleeting, frenzied attention. You must help them develop into the people they were meant to be. When you do, maybe, just maybe, they’ll reward you. With something greater than their grudging, wearied attention. Their lasting respect, enduring trust, and undying gratitude."
Parar! Reler e, pensar sobre a capacidade das empresas grandes dialogarem, conhecerem e estabelecerem relações com os seus clientes... e as PME?
"What will your “digital strategy” help them become better at? Does it have a point? Skiing, dating, cooking, coding, creating, building? If the answer is no, you don’t have a strategy. You have a vaudeville show."
Depois, aquela imagem de Luke e Yoda:
 O cliente é o herói, não um zombie parvo:
"I mean that when all you do is earn people’s attention, without trying to earn their respect or trust, they can turn on you on a dime.
Unless you happen to want to spend the rest of your life at war with the people formerly known as your customers. Creating an army of zombie customers is a terrible way to build a great brand."
Sobre a viralidade em vez da relação:
"The holy grail of the digital marketing strategy is “virality.” But the goal of a digital business strategy is connection. One is shallow and fleeting; the other is deep and enduring. Connection means more than just gawping at your “content” when it’s trending. Connection means going beyond the strictures of marketing, and literally forging living, breathing relationships. It requires that you actually empower people to act as advisers, counselors, mentors to your customers … not just plastering your logo on digital billboards, or winning two more Facestagram hearts."
Para finalizar:
"Forget about “building the brand.” Ignore the rules of communication. They were built to sell miraculously mass-made “product” to a stable, secure, sedated middle class forever ascending upwards into the plastic cornucopia of perfect prosperity. .
Instead, focus on giving people what matters most to them — but what they feel cheated of, stymied from, and suffocated by at every turn. Improve their lives. Deliver lasting gains in their quality of life. Don’t just carrot-andstick them into “loyalty.” Be loyal to them. Don’t win their attention — give them your attention. And one tiny interaction at a time, help them live lives richer with meaning, happiness, and purpose. After all, they’re the only people that can help you find something greater, truer, and better than a strategy. A point." 

sexta-feira, março 30, 2012

O melhor colégio de Lisboa

Esta manhã tinha na caixa de correio electrónico uma mensagem spam que me deixou a pensar...
Um colégio apresenta-se como o melhor colégio de Lisboa... o melhor colégio, não um dos melhores, não um "provavelmente o melhor". A afirmação é peremptória, até vem em maiúsculas "O MELHOR COLÉGIO DE LISBOA"
Portanto, o "melhor colégio" acha que uma boa forma de ganhar clientes é enviar spam, é invadir a caixa de correio de gente que vive a cerca de 300km ... será uma boa aplicação do marketing digital?
Sim, eu sei, mandar um e-mail para 1000 endereços de pessoas registadas em Lisboa custa o mesmo que enviar para 500 milhões de endereços... quantos australianos terão recebido o e-mail? Mas quantas pessoas ficam a pensar mal desse colégio?
Mas acham que esta prática se conjuga bem com a mensagem de "O MELHOR COLÉGIO DE LISBOA"?
Mas a coisa não fica por aqui.
Qual a segunda mensagem?
Acham que a mensagem "o melhor" casa bem com a mensagem "descontos 100 euros"?
Se alguém tem uma oferta que qualifica de "a melhor" faz algum sentido que o primeiro argumento de venda seja acenar com descontos?
Quantas empresas fazem o mesmo? Acham que têm uma boa oferta, acham que têm alguma vantagem competitiva e o primeiro argumento de venda é... o preço, os descontos.
Se acham que têm uma boa oferta, se acham que têm alguma vantagem competitiva, o preço é a última coisa a trazer para a conversa. A conversa deve começar por argumentos de compra... por que é que "é o melhor colégio de Lisboa"?
Conseguem imaginar a conversa:
- Olha matriculei o meu filho no melhor colégio de Lisboa! Estavam com um desconto de 100 euros e aproveitei...
Acham plausível?
E quais são os canais que a sua empresa usa para se fazer conhecer?
E a sua empresa, usa argumentos de venda ou argumentos de compra?
E em que fase é que entra o preço?