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Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta idade da reforma. Mostrar todas as mensagens

sexta-feira, março 15, 2024

Trabalho, chefes, saúde, direitos adquiridos - para reflexão

"Consider ’work’. Work remains a dominating and defining part of our lives. We spend one third of our time doing it; increasingly more time than we spend with our loved ones. 

Work is, and has always tended to be, one of the most defining aspects of our lives. ... Work is where we obtain purpose and meaning; where we meet friends, socialize and have community (and in an increasingly secular society it is one of the few remaining places where we can get sense of community); it is where we get motivated and engaged; where we can create and solve.

On the flip side, work can also drive us to utter exasperation and frustration; where we feel our efforts are a waste of time; where we feel unvalued, unloved and taken for granted; where we feel stressed. 

  • According to Forbes, new data shows that for almost 70 per cent of people, their manager has more impact on their mental health than their therapist or their doctor - and it's equal to the impact of their partner.
  • The Macleod Report found that '54 per cent of the actively disengaged say that work stress caused them to behave poorly with friends or family members in the previous three months, against 17 per cent of the engaged. More alarmingly, 54 per cent of the actively disengaged say their work lives are having a negative effect on their physical health, versus 12 per cent of the engaged.
  • The Stress Institute in Stockholm found that 'employees who had managers who were incompetent, inconsiderate, secretive, or uncommunicative were 60 per cent more likely to suffer a heart attack or other cardiac condition?
It is easy to see that the word pension may become an anachronism to most people under the age of 40. Indeed, from that data it is no surprise that 24 per cent of Millennials - that cohort born between 1981 and 1996 and (in 2023) aged between 27 and 42 - think they will never retire (this statistic was pre-pandemic before the recent bout of inflation further tarnished any retirement plans).
In the UK, the retirement age is due to rise from 67 to 68, and recent reports have indicated that the government may bring this date forward by eight years."

sábado, abril 14, 2012

Justo, injusto, who cares, é a vida!

Ontem estive em Braga.
Ao circular por uma das suas muitas rotundas, deparo com uma senhora de idade a cuidar do jardim no centro da rotunda, depois, verifico que está uma carrinha de caixa aberta com equipamento de jardinagem estacionada na faixa exterior da referida rotunda. E, sou surpreendido por um senhor de idade avançada, pelo menos pelo aspecto, a retirar materiais de dentro da carrinha.
Já passei a rotunda, dentro de um táxi, mas a minha mente continua lá...
Aquele casal tinha idade para estar reformado... será que constituem um casal de empreendedores que, com a sua empresa, prestam serviços à câmara de Braga? Será que a sua empresa é subcontratada por uma outra empresa que tem um contrato com a câmara de Braga? Será que são funcionários de uma destas empresas?
Imaginem que são reformados e que recebem a sua reforma ou pensão. Depois, recebem dois salários por este serviço...
Se calhar é, também assim que os salários da economia que vive do mercado interno baixam. Um fluxo interminável de gente que se reforma, no público e no privado, por volta dos cinquenta e muitos e sessenta e poucos, com boa constituição física e de saúde, e que entra no mercado de trabalho para compor a sua reforma. Com uma reforma garantida, é mais fácil arriscar e ser empreendedor, é mais fácil aceitar um salário baixo, ou o trabalho a meio-tempo, ou o trabalho temporário.
Quem não está reformado e precisa de um salário "normal" não consegue competir...
Justo, injusto, who cares, é a vida!

quarta-feira, fevereiro 02, 2011

Mais de 100 anos?

Há tempos, neste postal, escrevi:
"Pessoalmente, espero nunca me reformar! Assumo-o, gosto, adoro aquilo que faço. E quanto mais anos passam, mais aprendo, mais experiências me habilitam a ser melhor no que faço, mais experiências me ensinam a ser mais flexível e a não seguir nenhum livro."
Pois bem, "Age at retirement and long term survival of an industrial population: prospective cohort study" de Shan P Tsai, Judy K Wendt, Robin P Donnelly, Geert de Jong, and Farah S Ahmed, publicado no British Medical Journal:
"Results: Subjects who retired early at 55 and who were still alive at 65 had a significantly higher mortality than those who retired at 65 (hazard ratio 1.37, 95% confidence interval 1.09 to 1.73). Mortality was also significantly higher for subjects in the first 10 years after retirement at 55 compared with those who continued working (1.89, 1.58 to 2.27). After adjustment, mortality was similar between those who retired at 60 and those who retired at 65 (1.06, 0.92 to 1.22). Mortality did not differ for the first five years after retirement at 60 compared with continuing work at 60 (1.04, 0.82 to 1.31).
Conclusions Retiring early at 55 or 60 was not associated with better survival than retiring at 65 in a cohort of past employees of the petrochemical industry. Mortality was higher in employees who retired at 55 than in those who continued working."
Lá vou ter de viver para lá dos 100 anos...