quarta-feira, fevereiro 02, 2011

Mais de 100 anos?

Há tempos, neste postal, escrevi:
"Pessoalmente, espero nunca me reformar! Assumo-o, gosto, adoro aquilo que faço. E quanto mais anos passam, mais aprendo, mais experiências me habilitam a ser melhor no que faço, mais experiências me ensinam a ser mais flexível e a não seguir nenhum livro."
Pois bem, "Age at retirement and long term survival of an industrial population: prospective cohort study" de Shan P Tsai, Judy K Wendt, Robin P Donnelly, Geert de Jong, and Farah S Ahmed, publicado no British Medical Journal:
"Results: Subjects who retired early at 55 and who were still alive at 65 had a significantly higher mortality than those who retired at 65 (hazard ratio 1.37, 95% confidence interval 1.09 to 1.73). Mortality was also significantly higher for subjects in the first 10 years after retirement at 55 compared with those who continued working (1.89, 1.58 to 2.27). After adjustment, mortality was similar between those who retired at 60 and those who retired at 65 (1.06, 0.92 to 1.22). Mortality did not differ for the first five years after retirement at 60 compared with continuing work at 60 (1.04, 0.82 to 1.31).
Conclusions Retiring early at 55 or 60 was not associated with better survival than retiring at 65 in a cohort of past employees of the petrochemical industry. Mortality was higher in employees who retired at 55 than in those who continued working."
Lá vou ter de viver para lá dos 100 anos...

1 comentário:

nuno disse...

eu junto-me ao clube dos centenários :D