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quinta-feira, novembro 17, 2011

Treta cainesiana perigosa

Este título é parvoíce cainesiana "As New Graduates Return to Nest, Economy Also Feels the Pain"
"In other words, Ms. Romanelli, 22, saved a lot of money. But she deprived the economy of a lot of potential activity, too."
"By not paying rent, of course, he has deprived a local landlord and a host of other local companies of some income, as well as whatever businesses those purveyors might have patronized further down the line. It’s a phenomenon that John Maynard Keynes referred to as the “paradox of thrift”: Saving is good for the individual, but en masse can hurt the economy by reducing demand."
Treta cainesiana!!!!
É gente desta que vai criar o consumo saudável do futuro, consumo baseado em poupança e não em dívida.
Estes cainesianos são gente perigosa.... desdizem tudo o que a minha avó nascida em 1902 me ensinou quando eu era criança e recebia 50 centavos na Páscoa ou no Natal.

quinta-feira, maio 19, 2011

Brasil surpreende-me

O Brasil quer refrear o consumo!
O Brasil quer que o investimento aumente!
"Puzzled by Brazil’s apparently ad-hoc approach to economic management? Somewhat confused by how president Dilma Rousseff’s government one week says it wants to bring inflation down by cooling the economy and letting the exchange rate rise, and then the next says it wants to maintain high investment while also getting the exchange rate down?

Well, worry no more about these seemingly mutually-exclusive goals. “Moderation” is the single word that best describes current economic policy, at least if you listen to Luciano Coutinho, the polished president of Brazil’s state development bank, the BNDES. “We [in the government] need to moderate demand, but we don’t want to moderate investment,” as he told journalists in London. “There has to be a balance; there are trade-offs”."
Mas se o Brasil quer refrear o consumo quem vai consumir os bens que o investimento há-de colocar no mercado?
A exportação?
Mas como é que as empresas brasileiras, protegidas das importações com taxas alfandegárias de 40 e 60%, podem aprender a exportar bens de consumo?
Competindo com a China?
Recorte retirado de "Brazil’s nip, tuck economic management"
Um dia, como cá, vão dizer que a culpa é das medidas neoliberais!!! Go figure!!!