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Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta bias. Mostrar todas as mensagens

domingo, setembro 24, 2017

Para reflexão

"we humans, when thinking about risk, need to develop policies that take into consideration our inherent cognitive limitations.
Most modern approaches to risk management start by analyzing the objective likelihood and consequences of risks faced by individuals or communities, then design measures that could mitigate these risks—and hope people choose to implement them.
But since people often don’t adopt these measures, we argue, effective risk management has to proceed in the reverse order, starting with an understanding of why people may not choose to adopt risk-reduction measures and then designing approaches that work with, rather than against, our natural biases."
Trechos retirados de "Why You’re Not Prepared For Disasters (And What To Do About It)"

quinta-feira, junho 04, 2015

Acerca das escolhas que fazemos

Um excelente resumo dos vários mecanismos que afectam as escolhas que os humanos fazem em "The Psychology Behind How We Make Choices":
  • Bias;
  • Priming and Behavior;
  • Priming and Choice;
  • Bias and Choice;
  • 1) Anchoring bias
  • 2) Framing effect bias
  • 3) Ingroup bias
  • 4) Loss aversion bias
  • Choice Overload;
  • Choice and Willpower;
  • How to Make Choosing Easier
  • 1) Cut
  • 2) Make things concrete
  • 3) Categorize
  • 4) Condition for complexity
"The reasons we make decisions are not always rational and can’t be isolated from who we are, where we are, or maybe even how long it took us to decide what outfit to wear that morning. But by being aware of the psychological factors that affect our choices -- and recognizing how a decision we make at 8 a.m. affects one at 3 p.m. -- we’ll be able to not only make better decisions for ourselves, but help others do the same."