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Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta back to basics. Mostrar todas as mensagens

quarta-feira, outubro 01, 2008

Tom Peters, para reflectir.

Este postal de Tom Peters parece-me extremamente adequado aos tempos que vivemos "The Basics Are the Basics Are the Basics Are the Basics:The Worse the Times the Better They Work; Or, Listen to Grandfather Snow".
"We get in trouble when we forget the basics.
We get out of trouble when we remember the basics.
We stay out of trouble when we become perpetually "insane" about the basics.
(It ain't quite that simple, but it'll do for starters.)
When "times are tough," the payoff, survival that is, comes from what?
Survival—even growth!—in bad times comes from having wildly "over"-invested in relationships and training and service and employee-customer-vendor loyalty, while behaving in a fiscally prudent manner, in good times."
Back to the basics: product profiling; clientes-alvo; customer profiling; proposta de valor; canais de distribuição; rentabilidade em detrimento do volume puro e duro; relações de causa-efeito;...