sábado, setembro 07, 2024

Deixar dinheiro em cima da mesa

"When it first arrived as a luxury from East Asia, tea was an exotic drink reserved for royalty and aristocrats. But price, it seems, is no longer an indicator of a good brew. Asda's Everyday teabags, which cost only £1.20 for 80 bags, have been pronounced the nation's tastiest.

This was the result of a blind tasting competition organised by the consumer group Which? Seventy-nine "experienced and committed" tea drinkers judged products from some of the biggest brands, including PG Tips, Tetley and Twinings.

Asda's Everyday teabags got the highest overall score, at 72 per cent. Sixty-eight per cent judged the colour to be perfect, and 49 per cent found the flavour to be "just right". Of the ten brands tested, Twinings, which at £4.80 for 80 bags cost four times as much as the Asda offering, came last alongside Tesco Original Tea, with 67 per cent each. Overall, 60 per cent of tea tasters liked the colour and bitterness of Twinings, but fewer than half were satisfied with the strength of its flavour. Although two thirds of the panel enjoyed the bitterness of Tesco Original, 35 per cent said it was too dark and 34 per cent considered it not to be strong enough."

Quanto dinheiro é que os produtores do chá que entra na composição do "Asda's Everyday teabags" deixam em cima da mesa?

A culpa não é da Asda, a culpa é de quem não investe numa marca, ou não tem noção da qualidade do seu produto. Recordar a Raporal.

Trecho retirado de "Asda's 2p teabags make the best brew" publicado no jornal The Times de ontem. 

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