sexta-feira, agosto 02, 2024

Arte, estratégia e epifanias

"Eisner is known most for being a champion of art in education. He argued that the de-prioritization of the teaching of art across the formal educational system is bad for students and for the world in general. 


Sadly, their fight (and mine too) has been like attempting to hold back the tide. Art was continuously deprioritized throughout Eisner’s career and has continued to be ever since. The things with greatest sex appeal in business today are data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI). Quants and coders dominate — and the education system has followed suit. It is sad but true.


Perhaps what was most outraging was that Eisner argued that it is possible to be rigorous in qualitative research. That is an anathema to most: rigor is associated solely with quantitative research. And I felt that way when I was first exposed to his thinking. But in due course, I came to appreciate that he was right and virtually everything I had been taught about rigorous analysis was substantially wrong.

It took me on a long journey of connoisseurship. For the three decades since, I have been working on my ability to make ever finer qualitative distinctions in my field of strategy. In some sense, I have been working to become a sommelier of strategy. That is, I want to be able to determine that this strategy is superior to that one in these subtle ways — like a sommelier can make distinctions between different wines. My task requires the ability to understand how qualitative dimensions relate to one another — i.e., this aspect of customers interacts with that aspect of competitor dynamics in this particular way.


We are all taught to converge on the ‘right answer.’ If you get the right answer, you get a red check, a gold star, and/or full marks. The quest is for that singular right answer. It characterizes powerfully our entire educational experience.

In contrast, Eisner argued that in most domains of human endeavor there are multiple solutions to problems. There isn’t one answer that is obviously ‘right’ and the rest therefore ‘wrong.’ There are different solutions each of which with its own set of benefits and drawbacks."

Trechos retirados de "Artistry & Strategy" escrito por Roger Martin.

Recordar os postais neste blogue, ao longo dos anos, sobre a arte:

Por fim recordo as palavras do presidente do so-called Forum para a Competitividade e como se relacionam com a arte.

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