quinta-feira, julho 25, 2024

E dizer a verdade?


Relacionar este discurso do ministro da agricultura com:

Relacionar este discurso do ministro da agricultura com Algumas verdades de onde cito:
  • "Tradition is not a business model. The past is no longer a reliable guide to future success."
  • Should" is not a business model. You can say that people "should" pay for your product but they will only if they find value in it."
  • "I want to" is not a business model. My entrepreneurial students often start with what they want to do. I tell them, no one - except possibly their mothers - gives a damn what they *want* to do."
  • "Virtue is not a business model. Just because you do good does not mean you deserve to be paid for it."
  • "Begging is not a business model." [Moi ici:Muito comum nas empresas portuguesas, pedintes]
  • "There is no free lunch. Government money comes with strings." [Moi ici: Uma relação pedo-mafiosa que cobra juros muito altos]
  • "No one cares what you spent."
  • "The only thing that matters to the market is value. What is your service worth to the public?"
  • "Value is determined by need. What problem do you solve?"
Numa nota irónica podia brincar e dizer que o ministro está a roçar a islamofobia ao dizer que a Europa consome vinho. As mudanças trazem consequências. 

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