sexta-feira, outubro 20, 2023

Vai ser um choque interessante

Há quem defenda que a perda de um mandato pelo Labour numa circunscrição de Londres tradicionalmente trabalhista deveu-se ao ataque contra o automobilista por parte do mayor da cidade. Achei um exagero.

Depois, à cerca de duas semanas, a meio desta entrevista (ao minuto 36), "Piers Morgan VS Jordan Peterson The Full Interview #2", ouvi:

"you can tell the tyrants, they hate two things, they hate comedians and they hate cars"

Achei estranha esta referência aos carros.

Depois, no WSJ de 6 de Outubro passado descobri "The Culture War Is Coming for Your Car":

"Forget race. Forget sex. Forget immigration. The mother of all culture wars is breaking out, and its subject is the car. The automobile has long been a policy flashpoint, with the paramount issue being where it should be able to roam. This was the heart of the brutal urban-planning battles of the mid-20th century, which were fought over the need for and placement of new highways.


The problem with the personal car isn't its direct climate impact. Road transport, including trucking, accounts for 12% of global carbon emissions. Electric vehicles aren't an obvious means of reducing overall emissions, especially once you factor in their dirty supply chains and the coal-fired power that often charges them.

Rather, the car is a focus for the war on carbon because it's so visible. An electric vehicle is the most conspicuous, although perhaps not the most effective, thing a household can do in service of reducing global emissions. The corollary, however, is that if a household insists on buying and driving a gasoline or diesel car, it signifies that some concern other than climate is more important-cost and convenience often at the top of the list.

The car is becoming a cultural flashpoint because it is where climate-apocalypse proselytizing meets antielitist pragmatism. Both sides increasingly understand their fundamental values are at stake."

Esta semana descobri que uma petição pública por causa do IUC para veículos anteriores a 2008 já ultrapassou os 200 mil subscritores neste país sem sal.

O que fará o governo, recuará? 

Eu duvido que as pessoas consigam relacionar o seu voto com as consequências do seu voto.

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