terça-feira, junho 13, 2023

A evolução da produtividade (parte VI)

 Parte VParte IVParte IIIParte II e Parte I.

"In crisis situations, you need to reinvent rapidly through a turnaround in which everything about an organization is open for reexamination. Strategic renewal, however, requires a new way of working a deliberate effort to enable the organization to lead change in its market. Since the goal of strategic renewal is to move ahead of a crisis, these change efforts are more difficult to motivate, fund, and lead. Just why should the organization renew itself when there is no crisis? These proactive change efforts are about learning more rapidly and shaping the future more competently than your competitors. There are countless examples of underfunded, underled proactive transformations.


Nothing breeds complacency like success. The point for maximum strategic paranoia is when you are at the top of your game."

Por isto é que são tão difícil saltos na produtividade agregada com os incumbentes. 

Trechos retirados de "Lead and disrupt: how to solve the innovator's dilemma" de Charles A O' Reilly III and Michael L. Tushman. 

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