terça-feira, abril 18, 2023

"maximize value for the ecosystem"

"Is a company's value maximized by being shareholder centric, customer-centric, employee-centric, or some-otherstakeholder-centric? In a complex system where every stakeholder influences other stakeholders' outcomes-highly engaged employees improve customer satisfaction, which in turn helps accelerate profitable growth, and so on -are any stakeholders safe to neglect?


All that data was clear: The companies that create the greatest total value across all dimensions of performance don't do so at the expense of shareholder value."


"In an ecosystem, the objective is no longer to maximize value for the customer, but to maximize value for the ecosystem." (Daqui, Think “outcome before output”

Trecho inicial retirado de "How to Create a Stakeholder Strategy" publicado no número de Maio-Junho de 2023 da HBR.

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