sábado, maio 07, 2022

Precisa de um pouco de fé

Formular uma estratégia é mais do que seguir a via analítica, precisa de um salto no escuro, precisa de um pouco de fé.

Neste postal de Outubro de 2015, "Do concreto para o abstracto e não o contrário", uso esta figura:

Esta figura na minha opinião, baseada na minha experiência, está errada ao começarmos pela Missão e Objectivos. No postal descrevo que começo pela outra extremidade.

Entretanto, ontem li:
"I encourage her to identify what makes her business different, or special, compared to its competitors. I ask her about the particular challenges and opportunities it faces. She replies haltingly at first, in generalities.
The key steps in dealing with a strategic challenge are a diagnosis of the situationa comprehension of “what is going on here,” finding the crux, and then creating reasonable action responses.
strategy is portrayed as a set of actions directed at attaining certain “first element” long-term goals. But where do such goals come from?
Apparently, they somehow pop into existence. They magically appear before any analysis has taken place. If you haven’t analyzed your business, its competitors, the dynamics of competition, and more, claiming that you want to “be the technology leader” is just vague bloviation. It certainly does not help your organization understand how to move forward.
These kinds of intents and dreams are precursors to strategy, but they cannot all be accomplished, or at least not all at once. Effective strategy emerges out of an exploration of challenges, ambitions, resources, and competition. By confronting the situation actually being faced, a talented leader creates a strategy to further some elements out of the whole bundle of ambitions. Importantly, your ambitions are not a fixed and given starting point.
Diagnosis is the starting point in creating a strategy
In competition it is useful to look for asymmetries—ways in which competitors differ.
You don’t “pick” a strategy; you create it. Then you do your very best to choose among the alternatives you have created. Finally, you need to translate the idea into specific and coherent actions."

Trechos retirados de "The Crux - How Leaders Become Strategists" de Richard P. Rumelt.

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