segunda-feira, março 28, 2022

Lições de Hidden Champions (parte IV)

Parte I e parte II e parte III.

Mais um conjunto de lições a reter dos "hidden champions":

  • Criam os seus mercados através da abordagem e definição do mesmo
  • Trabalham constantemente para manter o product/serviço à frente
  • Usam a escassez como forma de controlar o preço e não tornar o mercado atraente para os gigantes
  • Evitam a diversificação para não se distrairem do que é essencial para o seu mercado.
"Market domination strategies adopted by supernichists or market owners are not easily imitated by normal companies, just as it makes no sense for an average violinist to compete with Anne-Sophie Mutter or Itzhak Perlman. The simplest way for a company to own a market is to create that market itself. Ideally, such a market does not yet exist and is created or defined by the new product. In addition, the uniqueness of the product must be sustainable. Imitation or the establishment of similar markets must be prevented at all costs. The product's outstanding position must be continually renewed and defended over time. Various instruments can be used to maintain a product's uniqueness:
  • Patent protection, 
  • powerful trademark or logo, 
  • intensive relationships and familiarity with customers, and 
  • artistic designs with frequent updates.

However, scarcity also means that the supernichists or market owners voluntarily refrain from exploiting their full growth potential. Exclusivity can only be maintained if volume expansion is controlled.

Market owners teach us valuable lessons in relationship marketing. They have been spoiling their loyal customers for years, initiating clubs and collectors' movements long before these concepts were discovered by the marketing literature.
Those who enjoy sustained success are wise enough to stay specialized and secretive, and to keep their markets small. These can be important lessons for other companies.
Superniches limit growth opportunities and make the deliberate decision not to grow
It is evident that the strong focus of the hidden champions harbors risks. After all, it means putting "all the eggs in one basket." Are the hidden champions too highly dependent on their narrow markets, just a handful of customers, and the business cycles they cannot compensate elsewhere?
The hidden champions are committed to their markets for better or worse. The risks of this dependence should not be underestimated. Whether specialization goes too far can only be determined on an individual basis. Focus is simultaneously the foundation of strength and a source of risk.
There are essentially three types of risks:
  • Dependence on one market ("all eggs in one basket").
  • An upscale market niche can be attacked by standard products (risk of losing the premium position).
  • The niche's small market volume or high costs may erode customer acceptance and/or price competitiveness.
The hidden champions avoid the risk of distraction from their core business, a mistake that is frequently fatal for diversified companies. The hidden champions rarely sell off businesses. Focus on the core business and the risks associated with it force the hidden champions to keep a close eye on their market and to defend their position by swift reactions to changes in customer needs or to new technological developments. The dependence on their market makes them ferocious defenders and great innovators."

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