Recordar "Niching down" ao ler mais uns trechos de "Hidden Champions":
"One aspect of market definition closely connected with focus relates to the breadth or depth of the product portfolio. Here, we look at the product range and/or the value chain. Breadth refers to the number of different products a company offers.
Among the hidden champions, we predominantly see a deep value chain coupled with a narrow definition of the relevant market.
[Moi ici: Segue-se um exemplo] "We analyzed the entire market for commercial dishwashers and found that our world market share was well below 5%. We were an insignificant follower. This prompted us to completely realign our strategy. We tailored our services to serve hotels and restaurants exclusively. We even changed the company's name to Winterhalter Gastronom. We now define our business as providing services for clean glassware and chinaware in hotels and restaurants and take full responsibility for this. We have extended our range to include water treatment systems and our own brand of dishwashing agents. We offer excellent, round-the-clock service. Our world market share in the hotels/restaurants segment is now 15%-20% and increasing. In this market segment, we are always first choice."
Numerous hidden champions take their market definitions even further and specialize in extremely narrow niches. Some "create" their markets so that there are no real competitors and they have 100% market share.
On a world scale, even a superniche like that can have an attractive volume. [Moi ici: Recordar O fim da barreira geográfica] The Swedish firm Poc does not aim for the far larger market for protective motorcycle helmets but has deliberately concentrated on the small segment of protective ski helmets. On the motorcycle helmet market, the company wouldn't stand a chance against strong market leaders like HJC from Korea, but Poc is set to become the global number one in protective ski helmets. Ismet Koyun says, "There is no competition for our technology in the world.""
Trechos retirados de "Hidden Champions of the Twenty-First Century Success Strategies of Unknown World Market Leaders" de Hermann Simon.
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